Cancer prevalence in the UK is set to rise from 2 million in 2015 to 3.2 million by 2030. Metastases are the primary cause of mortality for many cancers.

Annually, 55,000 cases of bone cancer are diagnosed in the UK and of these 2/3rd patients will develop into metastatic bone disease

In the spine metastates can destroy bone in the vertebrae, weakening it and can cause significant spinal cord injury leading to paralysis.

A new concept in the treatment of bone metastases

OncoEng adopts a patient-centric methodology, forecasting vertebral failures due to tumors to guide treatment decisions.

We employ sophisticated computational modeling and imaging to predict vertebral integrity over time. Moreover, we’re developing minimally invasive, custom implants to reinforce at-risk vertebrae, minimising recovery time and discomfort.

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