All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture

Developing New, Sustainable, Profitable, and Resilient Value Chains for IMTA Production

ASTRAL is a European Union Horizon 2020 collaborative project that focuses on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) farming.

Our core aim is to define, support and promote this type of aquaculture production in the Atlantic area.

IMTA enhances sustainability, economic stability, and social acceptance in aquaculture by harnessing synergistic interactions among different species

Marine institute IMTA

The project goals are supported by new technologies that greatly enhance our ability to monitor environmental risks and offer improved oversight on best practices towards zero waste


As part of its mission, the project has developed numerous resources specifically tailored to foster the growth and success of IMTA


ASTRAL is establishing the Atlantic Aquaculture Network to consolidate efforts and harness synergies among stakeholders committed to advancing sustainable aquaculture in the Atlantic

Atlantic Aquaculture Network

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