North America Analysis
Home Marian Schaapman – European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

    Marian Schaapman

    Head Health & Safety and Working Conditions Unit, Research Department
    European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

    Marian Schaapman has been Head of the Health & Safety and Working Conditions Unit, Research Department, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) since October 2017

    She is also the Coordinator of the Workers’ Interest Group of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health of the European Commission.

    Marian, who holds a degree in Law and Public Administration of the University of Amsterdam, was the Director of the Dutch Trade Union’s Confederation’s Occupational Diseases Office from 2009-2017. During that time she was also a member of the Advisory Board of the ETUI.

    She acquired broad academic experience as a labour law and policy researcher at the University of Amsterdam’s Hugo Sinzheimer Institute on Labour and Law, and at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Leiden (1992-2012) and published on a wide range of topics, from working conditions, health and safety law and occupational diseases to labour relations and gender equality. She was also a correspondent for the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO).

    Marian started her working life in health care practice, working for five years as an occupational therapist in different settings.

    Marian Schaapman

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +32 (0)2 224 04 70
    Website: Visit Website