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Home Biodiversity COP15 – A stepping stone towards effective access and benefit sharing

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  1. Dominic Muyldermans and Markus Wyss welcome the official establishment of “a multilateral mechanism for benefit-sharing from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources, including a global fund” [FN1]. Economics explains how the mechanism and the fund, as stipulated in Decision 15/9, undermine the objectives of the CBD and NP, once “genetic resources” are accurately interpreted for the purposes of R&D [FN2].

    Since introduction of “digital sequence information on genetic resources” (DSI) in COP13, no official definition has emerged. The 2018 Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on DSI reached consensus that DSI was “not the appropriate term” [FN3]. In COP14 and COP15, the question of scope was left unresolved. Are genetic resources still genetic resources once dematerialized? If DSI is officially undefined and out of the scope, why explore a mechanism and a fund? And if DSI is within scope, why select only the digital medium of a dematerialized genetic resource?

    The “D” in DSI has meaning prima facie. Print a downloaded sequence and the printout is not digital. Record the sequence on film and the celluloid is not digital. Verbalize the sequence and the utterance, not digital. In contrast, the alternative term “natural information” remains natural information whether the sequence is printed, filmed or voiced [FN4].

    To prevent legal avoidance of ABS through printing, etc., COP16 will have to include all media in any future definition of DSI. Isn’t it just simpler to ditch DSI and adopt “natural information”?

    The answer is resoundingly YES. Users, therefore, dare not ask the question [FN5]. Why? A rigorous literature associated with “natural information” justifies “economic rents” through “bounded openness”, whereby patent-holders pay rent-rich royalties [FN6]. The royalty income for Providers is akin to the limited-in-time monopoly profits from intellectual property, so solemnly defended by Users. Happily, what is fair and equitable is also efficient [FN6].

    Recognition that dematerialized genetic resources are within the scope of the CBD and NP makes redundant any “multilateral mechanism for benefit-sharing from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources, including a global fund”. Article 10 of the NP envisions consideration of a Global Multilateral Mechanism on Benefit Sharing (GMBSM). Redundancy defies simplicity and epitomizes inefficiency.

    Should Decision 15/9 succeed in displacing the question of scope, Providers may agree to a rent-free “mechanism” and its extension to the GMBM. The scheme has the contours of bait-and-switch: (1) Bait Providers with the lure of a “global fund”; (2) Keep unresolved the question of scope; (3) Let royalty percentages be negotiated for out-of-scope DSI; (4) Switch the mechanism for the GMBSM and, nudge, nudge, preserve those percentages.

    Muyldermans and Wyss deploy a hortatory metaphor: “We have a skeleton, but the muscles and nerves are still missing”. This is of public concern. Providers and stakeholders at COP16 would be well advised to arrive with shovels in hand. Inter.

    FN[1] UNSCBD, Decision 15/9, Dec. 2022,

    FN[2] Joseph Henry Vogel, “Economics Affords Powerful Abstraction”, Submission of views on…15/9” Mar. 2023. Item #7 (Observers):

    FN[3] UNSCBD, “Report of The AHTEG on DSI, Feb. 2018, p. 5.

    FN[4] Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental), “Lawful Avoidance of ABS: Jurisdiction Shopping and Selection of non-Genetic-Material Media”, May 2017.

    FN[5] Joseph Henry Vogel, “Re-boot: the crash of DSI-the-neologism and where to go on ABS”, Submission of views..DSI”, SCBD/NPU/TS/CGA/AC/89861, Sep. 2021,

    FN[6] Joseph Henry Vogel, Manuel Ruiz Muller, Klaus Angerer, Dino Delgado-Guitiérrez, Alfredo Gálvez Ballón, “Bounded openness: A robust modality of access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits”, PLANTS PEOLE PLANET, Vol 4 Issue 1 (2022)

    FN[7] Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, Fairness, Equity and Efficiency for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol: Analysis of a Rodent, a Snail, a Sponge and a Virus. Report. 2021. Eschborn, Germany: The ABS Capacity Development Initiative.


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