North America Analysis
Home AG 002 | May 2014

AG 002 | May 2014

Welcome to the 2nd edition of AG. In this spring publication, we give thought to a number of topics that remain at the forefront of the government agenda.

Throughout Europe there is consistent agreement from country to country about the importance of sustainability in our cities. Ensuring that each nation becomes greener by reducing their carbon emissions is a key commitment of the European Commission. Each country has their own policies in how this will be established and we highlight a number of cities that are progressing with their campaigns.

An article by Kirsten Brosbel, The Danish Minister for Environment highlights how Denmark is focusing on creating a more sustainable city. Another piece by Glasgow City Council gives an overview on how they are reducing their carbon emissions to become one of the most sustainable cities in Europe.

We highlight Blood and Patient Safety with a special focus in this edition, where we include articles from the NHS Blood and Transplant group in the UK, and from Diana Agacy from Southampton University Hospital – NHS, which gives an overview of the importance of patient safety during blood transfusions.

Throughout the publication we aim to bring you the topics that are currently on the agenda, and that we feel need further debate. One of these topics is investment in rail and rail infrastructure. There are a number of major projects currently underway throughout Europe and the UK. In the transport section we highlight a couple of these projects including HS2, and SHIFT2Rail. Each article sheds light on how these projects will benefit communities, and the economy.

We hope that you find the articles in this spring edition of interest and thought provoking. As always we welcome comment from the readers, and should you wish to come forward with future feature ideas, please do get in touch.