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Home Cristophe Drouet – CIRIMAT / CBC Carnot Institute

    Cristophe Drouet

    PhD, CNRS Senior scientist
    CIRIMAT / CBC Carnot Institute

    Prof. Christophe Drouet is a French CNRS Senior Scientist, leader of the “Phosphates, Pharmacotechnics, Biomaterials” research group at the CIRIMAT Institute, University of Toulouse, France

    Main research fields include the physico-chemistry and thermochemistry of natural and synthetic (bio)minerals and the study of their surface reactivity in view of the setup of innovative “smart” bioactive materials. Some key milestones in C. Drouet’s career include a European-labeled PhD thesis between France and Spain, as well as 3 years spent as Research Associate at the University of California at Davis (UCDavis), USA. A special focus in C. Drouet’s research is dedicated to the investigation of calcium phosphates and related compounds, in particular of biomimetic apatite compounds analogous to bone mineral, in view of innovative bio-medical applications (multifunctional bone regeneration biomaterials, colloidal particles for controlled drug delivery…) and for a better understanding of biomineralization processes.

    Besides the publication of 90+ articles, C. Drouet’s scientific production includes the co-writing of 9 book chapters. C. Drouet received in June 2013 the honorary “Racquel Legeros Award”, and in October 2016 the “Excellence ISCM Award”, on behalf of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM), for his contributions to the field of calcium phosphate research.

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