North America Analysis

Open Access News

A 96 well robot is dispensing a liquid into a 384 well dish, green chemistry

The role of green chemistry in healthcare

Ewan Townsend, Co-chair of Arnold & Porter’s Sustainability Committee, discusses the pharmaceutical sector’s shift towards environmentally friendly green chemistry.
Night sky filled with stars and nebulae

DESI telescope unveils cosmic secrets: Mapping the universe’s evolution

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) has set on a journey to unveil the mysteries of our universe's evolution, looking back 11 billion years into the past.
Girls in STEM, female science college students in classroom.

Inclusive workplace culture: Unlocking new diverse talent

Laks Mann, EDI Specialist and Trustee at caba, walks us through creating an equal, diverse, and inclusive workplace to unlock new talent.
Science background with molecules and atoms

Scientists discover cost-effective method to produce key drug molecules

Scientists at Scripps Research have revealed a new approach to synthesising crucial molecules used in drug development.
Multi colored sound wave background

Managing the risks of noise-induced hearing loss

Exposure to loud noise is the second biggest cause of hearing loss after ageing. Nicola Dawn, a partner in the Forbes Solicitors insurance team, looks at noise exposure issues at work and how organisations can better protect themselves and their employees from noise-induced hearing loss.
Cyber Attack A01

Leicester City Council cyberattack exposes sensitive data

Leicester City Council has fallen victim to a recent cyberattack attack, leaving its phone and computer systems disabled since March 7th.
close-up of a young koala bear (Phascolarctos cinereus) on a tree eating eucalypt leaves.

Preventing Koala extinction in Australia

Dr Stuart Blanch from WWF-Australia, calls attention to the risk of koala extinction on Australia’s east coast by 2050 and sheds light on what can be done to save this iconic species.

Damp and mould-related surveys: What is a healthy building?

Why are condensation, damp and mould still issues, and how do we know if our location is healthy for all? Here, David Bly, Managing Director of Cornerstone Management Services Limited, explains the firm’s findings and how their reported transparent outcomes have served to provide cost-effective solutions across the industries they serve.
Neuron system disease

How the brain regulates emotions, a future with better targeted mental health treatments

Do you ever find yourself in situations where you want to scream out of frustration or anger? Well, there is a reason why you manage to keep cool on those tough days.
Caged monkey

Protecting primates: The urgency of implementing a ban on pet ownership

Born Free’s Chris Lewis and Dr Mark Jones discuss the legal and ethical implications of keeping primates as pets.
liittle girl coughing with doctor sat next to her

Common inflammatory profile in childhood respiratory diseases

The study, published in Mucosal Immunology, shows the underlying immune mechanisms shared by suppurative lung disease and wheezing despite their differing symptoms.
Close Up Of Senior Man Suffering With Parkinsons Diesease

Parkinson’s management: Living with the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world

We spoke with Parkinson’s UK, an organisation dedicated to funding important research and supporting those affected by Parkinson’s, about the prevalence, impact, and management of the condition.

Heat pumps as a renewable energy source to stabilise the electricity grid

Swedish heat pump company Qvantum is developing renewable energy sources to shape a more reliable and efficient future for the electricity grid.
A woman has an FSH measurement to determine if she is perimenopausal or has already gone through menopause.

Early menopause and cardiovascular risk increase cognitive decline risk in women

Research shows the importance of considering the timing of menopause and cardiovascular risk factors in understanding cognitive health as women age.
Panorama view of the Milky Way

BREAD experiment takes on dark matter

Dark matter is one of the mysteries of modern science; it is invisible but affects everything around it, like stars and galaxies.
Community Nurse talking to teenage girls in an informal settlement infront of a shack

WHO’s framework on self care interventions

Zisis Kozlakidis from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and Wuchlim Kourk from the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge examine the value and implementation of self-care interventions.
Old red cast iron sign to the Post Office in London, UK

Lessons learned from Post Office’s Horizon IT scandal

Harish Rao, Technology Director at Crown Workforce Management, provides an opinion on the management lessons learned from the Post Office’s software deployment disaster.
American doctor works on HUD or graphic display in front of her

Artificial intelligence outperforms doctors in clinical reasoning

In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have revealed that artificial intelligence (AI) may have superior clinical reasoning capabilities compared to human physicians.

Smart connected lighting: Creating a sustainable urban ecosystem

Clare Thomas, Head of Logic and Gary Bennett, Regional Director of UK and Ireland from Urbis Schréder, walk us through smart connected lighting, including their views on creating a sustainable urban ecosystem.
Modern regional train traveling with speed on railway tracks through nature landscape, at sunset, near Schwabisch Hall, Germany.

Network Rail’s £2.8 billion climate crisis investment

In response to the escalating challenges set by climate change, Network Rail has revealed a £2.8 billion climate crisis investment plan to strengthen Britain's rail network against the effects of extreme weather.

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