Home Evidence Based Occupational Health

    Evidence Based Occupational Health

    Jaana Laitinen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health explores the relationship between health and the workplace

    Jaana Laitinen, Chief Specialist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health lifts the lid on health promotion in the workplace, in this e-book. This special feature explores the importance of good health, including healthy lifestyles and how this supports health promotion for sustaining working careers.

    The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s vision is: “Well-being through work”, as it is healthy, safe and meaningful work – that creates well-being. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is a specialist in well-being at work, which carries out research and provides services and training. Their clients include workplaces, decision-makers, individuals, occupational health units and other organisations that strive to improve well-being at work.

    In the words of Laitinen, we learn that: “Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work.” In addition, this e-book also highlights the main approach of WHP concerning the health education of individuals with a certain health risk, to prevent lifestyle diseases.

    Promoting safety at work

    We discover that shift work increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and fatigue, which in turn is a risk factor for accidents. Laitinen proceeds to underline that the “health effects of night shifts and are important for promoting safety at work, and thus the counselling should be tailored accordingly.”

    In addition, we also find out that how interventions in the workplace have been a vehicle for change: “Worksite interventions have led to moderate positive changes for example in diet such as intake of total fat and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.”

    In a special bonus article, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, explains why accessibility is important for all citizens. “The European Commission’s recently published Progress Report on the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 shows that the European Union is on the right track”, she writes.

    Amongst the many insights offered in this European Commission article, we learn that in 2020, it is predicted that 1 in 5 Europeans will experience a degree of disability. “Many everyday services and products have already become digital. They offer new opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in society and in the labour market on an equal basis with others” Thyssen reveals.

    I hope you find the contents of this e-book helpful.