Home 2023


Hmong Family Eating Organic Food Chiang Mai, Thailand

Combatting NCDs using Plant-based Proteins and Animal-Waste Products

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, PhD, a Rice Genomic Breeding Expert at the Rice Science Center, walks us through high-quality crop-based and ovo-based protein hydrolysates to combat non-communicable diseases in Thailand, specifically among its ageing population.
Figure 2: 3G Low GI Rice

Personalized diet intervention in Thai ageing populations

Professor Apichart Vanavichit a Rice Genomic Breeding Expert at the Rice Science Center looks at diet intervention and therapy for the ageing population of Thailand to prevent disease.
walking through a rice field in Thailand

The next green revolution of organic rice

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, PhD, Rice Genomic Breeding Expert at Rice Science Center, heralds the next green revolution of organic rice.
Amazing sunset lighting rice field water reflection in Japan countryside mountains in Kyushu Mont Aso San

Can rice yield more with less water?

Examining global warming and rice yield productivity with Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center.

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