North America Analysis
Home Darrel Baumgardner – Droplet Measurement Technologies LLC

    Darrel Baumgardner

    Chief Scientist
    Droplet Measurement Technologies LLC

    Darrel Baumgardner founded Droplet Measurement Technologies (DMT) in 1987 where he currently is Chief Scientist

    He spent 20 years at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States and 14 years as a professor and senior scientist at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the largest university in Latin America. He is an internationally recognized expert on measurements of aerosol and cloud particles. DMT instruments are used worldwide for research related to cloud seeding and weather modification. Darrel obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Wyoming.

    Darrel Baumgardner

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +1 919 457 2996
    Website: Visit Website