
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

intensive farming

Third of Earth’s soil degraded due to intensive farming

A third of the Earth's fertile soil is being 'acutely degraded' due to intensive farming as global demand for food grows, according to the...
Canadian agriculture

The 21st Century belongs to Canadian agriculture

Canadian agriculture has deep roots and the government is working to build a future for the next generation of farmers, says Minister Lawrence MacAulay
Kigali amendment

UK joins Kigali Amendment to tackle global warming

The UK is one of the first countries to join the Kigali Amendment, a major new agreement to reduce carbon emissions and tackle global warming
sustainability through technology wind farm

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation,...

Floods devastate India, Bangladesh, and Nepal

As recovery begins in Houston more than 1,200 people have been killed in floods throughout South Asia bringing the region to a standstill

Honey bee health: managing and reducing the risks

Managing the health of the honey bee is integral to the agriculture sector. Here Elke Genersch from the Institute for Bee Research explains further

Improving access to research data

French National Institute for Research in Agriculture (INRA) explores the importance of ensuring research data is easy to access in the agriculture field

Brazilian president gives greenlight to rainforest mining

Brazil has given the go ahead for rainforest mining in a large national reserve in the Amazon ' the size of Denmark', said to be...

Assessing climate change in the Arctic

Norwegian Polar Institute’s Director Jan-Gunnar Winther highlights the challenges associated with climate change in the Arctic and its global impact

Supporting healthy forests across America

Open Access Government highlights the role of forests within biodiversity and how the USDA supports agroforestry in America

Recognising the important role of biodiversity

Pamela S. Soltis, Director, University of Florida Biodiversity Institute, reveals the key work being done in the US to respond to the ‘biodiversity crisis’
precision livestock farming

Solving challenges through precision livestock farming

Daniel Berckmans, Catholic University of Leuven asks if precision livestock farming could help to monitor health and environmental impacts of farming
Fishing agreement reached between UK and Europe

Declining fish stocks: complex pathways of toxic chemical impact

Profesor Helmut Segner at the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health discusses the possible role of chemical pollution in the decline of freshwater fish stocks

Understanding changes to extreme rainfall

Rainfall data can be used to help us adapt to climate change. Hayley Fowler, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University explains

Precision phenotyping for efficient animal agriculture

MoSAR, INRA’s Research Director, Nicolas Friggens, explores the role of precision phenotyping in agriculture and explains how it is driving animal research

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities
warmest year

Climate report names 2016 ‘the warmest year on record’

A new report published in the US has revealed that 2016 was the warmest year on record, sparking climate concerns A report, ‘State of the...

Harmonising the bio-based economy policies

Standardisation can accelerate bio-based economy growth. Here, Suzan van Kruchten, Standardisation Consultant, NEN explains Bio-based products represent an important part of the bio-economy, which is...

EU Zoos Directive drives conservation, education and research

European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s David Williams-Mitchell shares insight into the EU Zoos Directive and explains the impact of it on the sector The...

Some essentials on coexisting with carnivores

Coexisting with carnivores can be a challenge, but their value makes it worthwhile, as Professor John Vucetich and Professor David Macdonald explain

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