North America Analysis

Technology News

Open Access Government’s technology category has plenty of very recent and updated information on all the key topics on this ever-expanding market. 

Within this section, you can find articles on topics such as cybercrime, data protection and online harms. And we also touch upon the relevant topics such as social media and its potential danger and its ongoing need for regulation. The protection of personal data in the modern age is a topic is something we touch upon often in the contexts of revenge porn and other forms. Topics such as Cybersecurity in relation to business and the domination of ‘The Cloud’ are very popular.

We all cover a wide range of information concerning the emerging potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and the many developments and ethical arguments within this topic. we have experts giving their opinion on the future of AI and how it will move forward. We also look at AI and its involvement in healthcare.

We also cover the Internet of Things (IoT) along with the use of data and GDPR related issues.

A Bluetooth tracking device to aid the search for older people with dementia who...

Getting lost can affect caregivers and families of older people with dementia – now, a Bluetooth tracking device can assist the search for their loved ones.
cyber incidents, local schools

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.
sustainable public sector, net zero

Why technology is key to a more sustainable public sector

Creating a sustainable public sector requires going net zero, instilling a circular economy, and increasing assurance in the supply chain.
human welfare

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.
open source software

What is open source software and how does it work?

Dr John Yardley, Founder and CEO of Threads Software ponders what open source software is and how it works
public sector organisations

Why public sector organisations are shifting from monitoring to observability

Head Geek™ at SolarWinds, Sascha Giese, explores how public sector organisations are implementing observability over their previous method of network monitoring.
social exclusion, ICT

A gendered view on ICT and social inclusion

Dr Sarah Mohammad-Qureshi, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Partner at The University of Law, presents a gendered view on ICT and social inclusion.
unhappiness, social media

Unhappiness on Instagram: Can we train algorithms to detect it?

Researchers are developing algorithms to detect unhappiness on social media, which identify the basic needs of users from the content they share.
digital deprivation, digital divide

Why we must avert the threat of ‘digital deprivation’

David Hennell, Business Development Director at National Broadband, discusses the threat of digital deprivation and what can be done about it.
women in literature, non-binary

AI finds men represented four times more than women in literature

Machine learning algorithms have found that men are represented four times more than women in literature, with transgender and non-binary people largely missing.
climate change denialism, IPCC report

Twitter bans climate change denial from advertising spaces

Ads which promote climate change denial will be banned from the social media platform, but individual users won't be affected by the change.
universal phone charger, e-waste

Group of MEPs vote to enforce universal phone charger

MEPs voted in a proposal that would see universal phone chargers become the norm, in an effort to decrease electronic waste.
environmental websites, carbon emissions

43% of major environmental websites make mass carbon emissions

An analysis of the ‘cleanest’ environmental websites reveals that over 57% of major environmental websites run on sustainable energy.
catalangate, pegasus spyware

CatalanGate: EU citizens hacked by Pegasus and Candiru spyware

An investigation into CatalanGate found that 65 individuals were targeted by mercenary spyware - with circumstantial evidence linking the attacks to Spanish authorities.
Parkinson’s watch

NHS Parkinson’s watch to help manage care at home

A Parkinson's watch is being given to patients with the condition, in an effort to improve NHS remote monitoring.
Cybersecurity Trends

How US cybersecurity trends can help the UK prepare itself

Sascha Giese, Head Geek™ at SolarWinds, explains how US cybersecurity trends could help the UK navigate future threats.
meaningful internet connectivity, gender gap

Report finds gender gap in meaningful internet connectivity

A report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (AFA) finds that just one in ten people in parts of the Global South have meaningful internet connectivity - with a gender gap existing across all countries.
digital surveillance, COVID-19 pandemic

The institutionalisation of fear: Global digital surveillance with dubious pandemic legitimacy

Regina Surber, PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich and Scientific Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, discusses how digital surveillance is increasing worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
toddlers use tiktok, social media

Ofcom reveals that 16% of British toddlers use TikTok

According to Ofcom, 16% of British toddlers use TikTok - while one third of children between the ages of five and seven use the social media platform.
pillars of cyber security

Three Pillars of Cyber Security: People – Process – Technology

Simon Wilcox, Managing Director, Digital Craftsmen Ltd, advocates the Three Pillars of Cyber Security, People – Process – Technology.

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