North America Analysis

Technology News

Open Access Government’s technology category has plenty of very recent and updated information on all the key topics on this ever-expanding market. 

Within this section, you can find articles on topics such as cybercrime, data protection and online harms. And we also touch upon the relevant topics such as social media and its potential danger and its ongoing need for regulation. The protection of personal data in the modern age is a topic is something we touch upon often in the contexts of revenge porn and other forms. Topics such as Cybersecurity in relation to business and the domination of ‘The Cloud’ are very popular.

We all cover a wide range of information concerning the emerging potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and the many developments and ethical arguments within this topic. we have experts giving their opinion on the future of AI and how it will move forward. We also look at AI and its involvement in healthcare.

We also cover the Internet of Things (IoT) along with the use of data and GDPR related issues.

artificial intelligence revolution

Artificial intelligence revolution: Can we trust AI in UK Government?

Civica recently sat down with central government leaders to discuss whether the public sector is prepared for the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and the ethics behind the technology. Steve Thorn, Executive Director, Civica shares his views from the event.
today's ministry of defence

Overcoming the technological challenges faced by today’s Ministry of Defence

The technological challenges faced by today’s Ministry of Defence are unlike anything they have encountered in the past, David Lawford Mee, Sales Director at UKCloudX, discusses how they can be overcome, here.
new phishing scams, mena

Researchers uncover new phishing scams on activists

Research by Amnesty Tech found that new phishing scams are being used to target the email addresses of activists, to determine their location, passwords and secret work.
rosalind franklin mars rover, pancam

Rosalind Franklin Mars rover ready to search for signs of life

The panoramic camera system on the Rosalind Franklin Mars rover will help to examine and search for signs of life.
uk’s emergency services

How is 5G benefiting the UK’s emergency services?

In this article Danny Longbottom, Director Local Government & Health at BT discusses the benefits of 5G for the UK’s emergency services – in the case of the ambulance service specifically.
omni channel revolution

Chasing the e-commerce market: The Omni-channel revolution

Experts from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, the University of Michigan and the University of Michigan share their thoughts on the Omni-channel revolution.
data centre and cloud framework, cloud hosting

YPO launches data centre and cloud framework

YPO has announced the launch of its Data Centres, Maintenance Cloud Hosting and Security framework for the public sector.
safety of products, consumer confidence

Consumer confidence in the safety of products

Graham Russell, Chief Executive of the Office for Product Safety and Standards, explains why consumer confidence in the safety of products is at the core of what the organisation does.
broadband in conference, tourism minister

£250,000 boost for broadband in conference centres

Tourism Minister Rebecca Pow launched a competition to boost broadband in conference centres across the UK.
cyber-secure uk

Deal or no deal: Brexit could be good for cyber security

Chris Bush, Head of Security, ObserveIT discusses why Brexit doesn’t actually have to mean a less cyber-secure UK, in this article.
shorten life expectancy

How can you gain consumer trust in the age of digital regulation and cyber...

Lee Parry is CEO and co-founder of Enigma Recovery, shares his top tips for business owners who are looking for new ways to gain consumer trust when cyber security is at the forefront of all our minds.
deepfake audio, voice synthesis

Fake news: Debunking and defeating deepfake audio

Dr Matthew Aylett delves into the use of deepfake audio; touching on weaponisation and lack of public awareness, whilst reframing the tech as a communication tool for speech-altering diseases.

Preparing for the Cy-Phy future

Cy-Phy could become the next wave of technology and increase cyber security for better business practices, here Phil Quade, CISO, Fortinet highlights why we should begin preparing now.
own data

The future of public services means giving citizens control over their own data

Patrick Stephenson, Client Managing Director: Central and Regional Government at Fujitsu in the UK and Ireland, discusses why governments need to give citizens control over their own data.
track employees

Nearly a quarter of businesses monitor and track employees

As more businesses invest in surveillance technology to monitor and track employees in the workplace, questions are raised around whether the benefits override growing concerns around digital ethics.
a human hacker, artificial intelligence

Can artificial intelligence beat a human hacker?

Here, the question is asked: Can artificial intelligence measure up to the intuition of a human hacker?
tech provider, digital transformation

In a perfect partnership: How councils can get the most out of a tech...

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council’s Cassandra Phillip lists the key steps to creating a successful partnership with a technology provider.
datacentres, the digital world

The hidden foundations of the digital world: How datacentres stay cool

Here, Daikin investigate what happens to all the heat produced by the "cloud", aka the datacentres that keep the online world turning.
artificial intelligence (AI) in education, duolingo

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education

Dr Elaine Garcia, Senior Programme Leader at Interactive Pro explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education.
increasing cybercrime risk, highly sensitive data

Research shows increased cybercrime risk to companies and public

New research from the BlackBerry Cylance Threat Intelligence Team has uncovered a trove of highly sensitive data, suggesting an increased cybercrime risk.

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