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Technology News

Open Access Government’s technology category has plenty of very recent and updated information on all the key topics on this ever-expanding market. 

Within this section, you can find articles on topics such as cybercrime, data protection and online harms. And we also touch upon the relevant topics such as social media and its potential danger and its ongoing need for regulation. The protection of personal data in the modern age is a topic is something we touch upon often in the contexts of revenge porn and other forms. Topics such as Cybersecurity in relation to business and the domination of ‘The Cloud’ are very popular.

We all cover a wide range of information concerning the emerging potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and the many developments and ethical arguments within this topic. we have experts giving their opinion on the future of AI and how it will move forward. We also look at AI and its involvement in healthcare.

We also cover the Internet of Things (IoT) along with the use of data and GDPR related issues.

urban technology framework

Urban Technology Framework: How technology is changing cities and development

The Urban Land Institute has launched an Urban Technology Framework to help cities advance into the next generation of technology.
GDPR one year on, compliant, compliance regulations

GDPR one year on: Top tips for staying compliant in 2019

Matthew Cole, partner at law firm Prettys, has shared his top tips for ensuring individuals and businesses keep their compliance regulations on track.
gender stereotypes in AI, I'd blush if I could

UNESCO recommendations to stop gender stereotypes in AI

UNESCO has published a report to investigate gender equality in digital professions and eliminate gender stereotypes in AI applications such as Siri.

GDPR: One year on and where’s it gone?

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, explores the lessons learned about GDPR over the past year and the risks businesses will encounter in the future.
police IT budgets, digital transformation

Over a quarter of police IT budgets spent on digital transformation

28% of police IT budgets were invested into digital transformation last year, according to figures by Intercity Technology, highlighting the drive towards a more connected and collaborative future for policing.
AI improves business, business intelligence

Research finds that AI improves business intelligence

Research has found that AI improves business intelligence, as part of the overall movement in which technology is transforming how business analysts learn and thrive.
urban areas, smart cities

Smarter cities lead to brighter futures: How IoT is changing urban areas

Sascha Giese, Head Geek™, SolarWinds explores how smart cities are becoming the future of urban areas, and the challenges that the public sector needs to overcome to utilise these initiatives.
revenge porn, naked pictures

8% of British people are victims of ‘revenge porn’

Almost one in ten Brits have had their naked pictures or videos shared without their consent, which is colloquially known as revenge porn.
ePassport gates

Government expands use of ePassport gates to 7 more countries

Eligible travellers from 7 non-EU countries can now use ePassport gates to enter the UK quickly and securely in changes being made to the border.
twitter disinformation, facebook google and twitter

Facebook, Google and Twitter disinformation investigation

Today, the European Commission published the reports and analysis of the progress made in April 2019 by Facebook, Google and Twitter to fight disinformation.
bangladesh arrests, social media posts

Bangladesh arrests critics over social media posts

Bangladesh arrests multiple anti-government critics over social media in their crackdown on the right to free speech, Human Rights Watch said today.
civic tech, government support

Government support is a key factor for civic technology

Dr Rebecca Rumbul, Head of Research, mySociety highlights why government support is key for civic technology, here
technology is the key

The NHS Long Term 10-Year Plan: Why technology is the key

Wayne Miller, Healthcare Director EMEA at Zebra Technologies discusses why technology is the key to a successful NHS Long Term Plan.
front-line services

How digital enablement frees up time and money for front-line services

James Cherry, CTO of Northdoor, explores how modernising the NHS data estate can free up time and save money, which ultimately benefits front-line services.

Does insurtech threaten our privacy?

As more data streams become available, digital vulnerabilities widen. These fundamental problems beg the question - how feasible really is insurtech?.
teenage life satisfaction, social media

Social media has debatable effect on teenage life satisfaction

Oxford researchers conducted a study of 12,000 British teenagers, which shows links between social media and teenage life satisfaction are small at best, but can change depending on gender and how the data is analysed.
pegasus spyware, NSO group, human rights defender, whatsapp hacking

Israel gives ‘Pegasus’ spyware to countries like Saudi Arabia

Israel sells 'Pegasus' spyware that tracks all online moves of an individual to countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE: Amnesty and New York University are filing a petition in Tel Aviv tomorrow (14 May).
data muturity

How can your organisation climb the data maturity scale?

MHR Analytics highlight what data maturity is and what the first steps are to progressing your organisations data journey.
personal data being stolen

Homes under the Hacker: Millions risk personal data being stolen

Research reveals that millions of homeowners are at risk of their personal data being stolen, here we highlight the ways in which criminals target personal details.
value of data

The value of data and controlling its use

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, highlights data as a valuable commodity and why we need to exercise control over its use.

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