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Cancer services must adapt

Cancer services must adapt

The Public Accounts Committee said the NHS is struggling to meet demand for cancer services, and the drive to improve care has “lost momentum”... In a bid to meet waiting time standards and deliver efficient, effective care, the NHS needs to adapt. MPs on the Public Accounts Committee said despite...
Lack of information facing Welsh patients

Lack of information facing Welsh patients

The Welsh Affairs Committee has warned that patients in Wales living near the English border face a “worrying lack of information” about the impact of policy on healthcare provision... Confusion about the growing difference in policy since devolution is worrying, according to MPs. The Welsh Affairs Committee expressed concerns that...
Children's social care is 'inadequate'

Children’s social care is ‘inadequate’

Ofsted has reported children's social care services are inadequate in three-quarters of the local authorities inspected across England... Across England a total of three-quarters of the local authorities inspected were found to be inadequate or required improvements. Ofsted inspected more than 5,000 children's homes and other social care provisions run by 43 councils. The watchdog...
Long term health complications for young diabetics

Long term complications for young diabetics

 A new report has warned that a significant number of children with type 1 diabetes are at risk of long term health complications... The future health of children with type 1 diabetes is of great concern, according to a new report. A “worryingly high” number of young people are showing...

Care in the home

Dominic Carter, Policy Officer at United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) details how homecare can be more flexible and beneficial to the patient’s needs… Homecare is a growing and varied service, focused on providing care and support in people’s own homes, ranging from shorter visits to remind an older person to take...

Plumbers ‘should report cold homes’

New guidance from health experts has suggested that plumbers and heating engineers should join GPs in tackling problems caused by cold homes…. The latest guidance by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that health and social care providers, as well as those working in the heating, plumbing...

Continuous Improvement: Is it really worth it?

It’s a constant message: improve efficiency and effectiveness. This directive continues to dominate the world of public services. But why does it appear to be a struggle? When we are in contact with our public service customers they cite 3 key reasons why senior management have (yet) to embrace continuous...

Children’s health should be a priority says RCPCH

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) calls on politicians to put children’s health at the forefront of their agenda’s… Following a poll commissioned by the RCPCH, member of the public showed overwhelming support to a number of policies which would considerably improve children’s health. The poll of 2,118...
Referrals for youth mental health have increased

Referrals for youth mental health have increased

The number of children and young people in Wales who have been referred to mental health services has more than doubled since 2010... Figures have revealed that in December 2010 around 1,200 under-18s were waiting for their first outpatient appointment. By December 2014, this figure had risen to 2,500. Welsh Health...

Engaging the new world

Nita Clarke OBE, Director at IPA details why employee engagement has never been more imperative for the sake of the UK economy and public sector As David Macleod and I were writing our 2009 report Engaging for Success, there was a widespread view that engaging employees, while possibly an interesting...

Revising cleanliness in hospitals

Anne Hayes, Head of Market Development for Governance & Risk at BSI shows that the latest revision of the hospital cleanliness specification is not only about improving hygiene levels but patient trust According to the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry by Robert Francis QC in February 2013, “A...

The importance of effective wound care

Alexandra Bishop, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist at Plymouth Wound Care discusses how effective wound care can make all the difference to a patient, and the NHS The importance of effective wound care cannot be underestimated. Wounds in complex patients and those that are poorly managed can lead to the development of...
© Tortoon horizon 2020

EU funding for health, demographic change and wellbeing projects

Sarah Collen-Godman, Senior Policy Manager – NHS European Office at the NHS Confederation discusses how the Horizon 2020 programme will help to address major societal challenges Horizon 2020, Europe’s research and innovation programme, was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until 2020. It is the EU’s overarching, multi-disciplinary...

Is the UK delivering effective mental health services?

Over the last few months, there has been increasing reports of failures to meet the needs of patients with mental illnesses in the UK. Open Access Government examines the impact of cuts on the sector Mental health services are in trouble, it seems. Last year an investigation by Community Care...

Social care – fit for purpose

Richard Kramer, Deputy Chief Executive at the Deafblind charity Sense highlights the importance of social care for deafblind and disabled people Last year was incredibly challenging for many deafblind and disabled people. Changes to the welfare system including the transfer from DLA to PIP and ongoing issues with Work Capability...
© Attila Barabás homecare

Care in the home

Dominic Carter, Policy Officer at the United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) details how home care can be more flexible and beneficial to the patient’s needs Homecare is a growing and varied service, focused on providing care and support in people’s own homes, ranging from shorter visits to remind an older person...

Chemistry helps the fight against bacterial infections

Developing new antibiotics to tackle bacterial infections such as E.coli and MRSA is an important task. Open Access Government highlights how vital this is and how chemistry plays a role in the development Chemistry plays an important role in everyday life and the world round us, including our food and drink,...

Skin cancer: deadly but preventable

Jon Pleat MA DPhil FRCS(Plast), Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Advisor at SCaRF details the risks of skin cancer and how it can be prevented Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer globally. There are more than 80,000 deaths a year from its different forms. Within the UK, the incidence...

Paediatric Rheumatology in 2015

Paediatric Rheumatology has become recognised within the last 20 years as a paediatric subspecialty. Previously the care of these patients was undertaken by interested adult rheumatologists. However, the National Service Framework for children recognised that children should be seen in child-friendly areas by staff trained to look after children....

Embracing 21st Century paediatric rheumatology

Dr Clarissa Pilkington, Consultant in Adolescent and Paediatric Rheumatology at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) sheds light on paediatric rheumatology and how treatment has improved over the years Paediatric rheumatology is a vibrant and relatively new speciality with active research pushing forward new therapies and drugs. It now needs to grow...

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