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opioids and pancreatic cancer, data

Scientists investigate possible link between opioids and pancreatic cancer

The team at Rush University Medical Center have conducted the first US investigation into opioid use and pancreatic cancer - how could this change prescriptions?
cardiac diagnosis, AF

A new era in cardiac diagnosis

Justin Hall, GM and VP EMEA, iRhythm Technologies, explores how modern technology is helping to diagnose Atrial Fibrillation (AF).
infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control (IPC) for COVID-19 focus

Two divisions of Active Care Group – Christchurch Group and Remeo – discuss the importance of  infection prevention and control in the healthcare sector in light of COVID-19.
digital identities, misinformation

How digital identities can help manage misinformation

Stephen Ritter, Chief Technology Officer at Mitek, discusses how digital identities can play into the world of fake news and misinformation.
foetal development, sweet uterus

Consequences of foetal development in a “sweet” uterus: The short-and long-term transgenerational outcomes

Jane C Khoury & Shelley R Ehrlich from Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, highlight the consequences of foetal development in a “sweet” uterus – including the short- and long-term transgenerational outcomes.
gig economy, economy

The post-COVID benefits of the gig economy

Here Ashmita Das, CEO of Kolabtree, explores how the gig economy could be the answer to please both employees and businesses in a post-COVID world.
nursery sector

Recruitment and retention in the nursery sector in the post-COVID world

Gill McAteer, head of employment law at Citation, details the necessary changes needed to improve recruitment and retention in the nursery sector to fit the 'new normal'.
wellness in the workplace

Wellness in the workplace: Why it needs to involve everyone

Paul Wells, CEO of intelligent building solutions provider, IM&M, explores the importance of addressing wellness in the workplace.
economic waste

The development of a renewable product prepared using economic waste in Taiwan

Ying-Chieh Lee from the Department of Materials Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, explores the development of a renewable product prepared using economic waste in Taiwan.
brexit and COVID anxieties, COVID-19

Brexit and COVID anxieties create 25% drop in British exports

According to recent data analysis, Brexit and COVID anxieties have created tangible decreases in how many commodities leave the UK.
data use in government

Data use in government: Where we’re going next

Sue Bateman, Deputy Director for Data and Innovation at the Government Digital Service (GDS), explores data use in government and in this vein, where we’re going next.
social care system

Why a reformed social care system in the UK cannot wait

Fiona Carragher, Director of Research and Influencing at Alzheimer’s Society walks us through why a reformed social care system in the UK cannot wait.
head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer treatment

Michelle Vickers, CEO of the Head and Neck Cancer Foundation tells us what we need to know about head and neck cancer treatment, including comment on driving surgical-technological development.
hygiene, cleaning

Selecting hand hygiene products in a global pandemic

Chris Wakefield, Vice President of GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd, explores how businesses can navigate the increase in cleaning products on the market and select products that will best meet their needs.

Focus on skills: Why apprentices are the future for businesses

Here we look at how and why apprentices are a crucial part of the future of growing businesses, particularly as the need for re-skilling becomes ever more prevalent.
end health inequalities, health tech

Can the right technology end health inequalities?

Technology is becoming more pervasive, becoming increasingly integrated into our lives as the days pass - can it help to end health inequalities?
face covering

Why wear a face covering during COVID-19? The evidence

Dr Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy discusses why we need to wear a face covering during the current COVID-19 pandemic, stating the evidence in this illuminating analysis.
salt reduction

Salt: The forgotten pandemic

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager for Action on Salt, stresses the need for Public Health England to implement a strict and ambitious salt reduction policy.
improved body composition

How to fight diabetes with improved body composition

Here the InBody Clinical Team explain how improved body composition can help fight type 2 diabetes.
diagnosis of dementia

Diagnosis of dementia: The impact of COVID-19

Dementia UK’s Head of Research and Publications, Dr Karen Harrison Dening, discusses her thoughts on the diagnosis of dementia and the impact of COVID-19 on this.

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