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modern slavery brexit, immigration advice service

Modern slavery: Brexit threatens to worsen conditions

Here, Harry Sanders from the Immigration Advice Service explains how Brexit is poised to worsen the existence of modern slavery in the UK.

What does Brexit uncertainty mean for forex?

Now that we seem to be entering the end game phase both in negotiations between the UK and the EU and in the dispute between the government and the majority of MPs, what should the foreign exchange market (forex) expect?
operation yellowhammer, NHS confederation

Brexit ‘mini-deal’ can prevent Operation Yellowhammer, says NHS Confederation

Today (12 September) the NHS Confederation responded to the publication of Operation Yellowhammer, a document describing alarming food and medicine shortages after Brexit.
brexit uncertainty, EU citizens

Brexit uncertainty creates new human rights problems

The on-going Brexit uncertainty poses serious human rights issues, Amnesty International said today.
The brexit survey, yellowhammer

The Brexit survey: How does the STEM industry feel?

As the UK faces the imminent 31 October Brexit deadline, at Open Access Government we are investigating how people in STEM feel about their field via the Brexit survey.
anti-money laundering laws, no deal brexit

The UK’s anti-money laundering laws post-Brexit

John Binns, partner at BCL Solicitors LLP, considers the potential impact of Brexit on the UK’s anti-money laundering laws.
no-deal Brexit

What do employers need to do about a no-deal Brexit?

With the odds of a no-deal Brexit increasing, concern amongst employers has understandably raised, here,  Andrew Willis, Head of Legal at HR consultancy, Croner, highlights what businesses need to do.
suspend parliament

PM Johnson wants to suspend parliament until Brexit

Boris Johnson will ask the Queen to suspend parliament in mid-September, preventing MPs from creating a Brexit deal or passing any new legislation.
brexit boris, future of the NHS

Brexit, Boris and attracting NHS talent: What could go wrong?

Jo Sellick discusses his opinion on the future of the NHS, which bravely faces Brexit and Boris Johnson, migration limitations and an ageing population.
operation yellowhammer

Operation Yellowhammer: What is the leaked No-Deal Brexit plan?

Here, we discuss what was contained in the recent Operation Yellowhammer dossier leaked from the Johnson Cabinet.
cyber-secure uk

Deal or no deal: Brexit could be good for cyber security

Chris Bush, Head of Security, ObserveIT discusses why Brexit doesn’t actually have to mean a less cyber-secure UK, in this article.
surviving brexit, mindfulness

The mindful guide to surviving Brexit

Meditation teacher Neil Seligman highlights eight attitudinals of mindfulness in this guide to surviving Brexit blues.
identity of UK, post-brexit reality

Brexit to change point and identity of UK parliament

MPs need to make sure that Parliament is ready to take on new functions to be ready for a post-Brexit reality which changes the identity of UK parliament.
brexit uncertainty

How can small businesses cope with Brexit uncertainty?

Dun & Bradstreet's report revealed that 40% of UK SMBs experienced slowed growth and falling exports due to Brexit uncertainty and a third felt that the struggle to calculate its impact was making planning and future growth challenging.
cross-party collaboration, brexit collaboration

Why did it take so long for UK cross-party collaboration over Brexit?

Simon Hill explores why a lack of cross-party collaboration is one of the biggest errors in the handling of Brexit over the past three years.
social care staffing crisis

Brexit and the social care staffing crisis

Charles Armitage, CEO of Florence, highlights what nursing and care home managers need to be mindful of during Brexit uncertainty and the social care staffing crisis.
brexit extension, EU without a plan

Brexit extension should be used to prepare for more negotiation

The UK risks stumbling into the next phase of negotiations with the EU without a plan, putting the country at an unnecessary disadvantage with the Brexit extension, according to a new report.
EU completes preperations, no deal preperations, european commission advice

Brexit: EU completes preparations for possible “no-deal”

As it is increasingly likely that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union without a deal on 12 April, the European Commission has today completed its “no-deal” preparations.
UK temporary tariff regime, no deal brexit published

UK temporary tariff regime for no deal Brexit published

Government has published details of the UK’s temporary tariff regime for no deal, designed to minimise costs to business and consumers while protecting vulnerable industries.
UK jobs at risk, No deal brexit

‘No deal’ Brexit could put 20% of UK jobs at risk

The Government needs to avoid a hard Brexit to protect UK jobs at risk and ensure that leaving the EU does not disproportionately hurt weaker regions of the UK, experts have warned.

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