North America Analysis

Open Access News

purchasing cannabidiol

Purchasing cannabidiol: Have you been mis-sold CBD?

Gregory Land, CEO at Canna CBD Limited, highlights the dangers of purchasing cannabidiol (CBD) from an unreputable source.

CBD in food and beverages

John Wallace, Managing Director at Mile High Labs International, Ltd. explores the market of CBD in food and beverages, including regulation.
obesity prevention strategies

Sugar tax: Noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies

The Global Food Research Program, University of North Carolina in the U.S. share their perspective on how taxes on sugary beverages are important components of noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies.
building integrated photovoltaics

Building Integrated Photovoltaics technologies in Denmark

Peder Vejsig Pedersen from European Green Cities focuses on Building Integrated Photovoltaics technologies in Denmark.
pharmaceutical scientists

SSPC: Training the next generation of highly skilled pharmaceutical scientists and engineers

Louise O’Neill from SSPC, the SFI Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals, underlines the importance of training the next generation of highly skilled pharmaceutical scientists and engineers in Ireland.
future of agricultural hemp

A vision for the future of agricultural hemp

Paul McCourt, CEO and Founder of Celtic Wind Crops, outlines his vision for the future when it comes to how growing hemp in the local community can help a global crisis.
humanising healthcare, NHS leadership

Humanising healthcare: Developing a leadership climate in the NHS

Jill Pennington, Consulting Director & Peter Clarke, Head of Product Consulting at PSI Talent Management, tell us what we need to know about how developing a leadership climate in the NHS humanises healthcare.
conservative impact on UK immigration, general election

General Election: What will the Conservative impact on UK immigration be?

Sophie Barrett Brown, Senior Partner and Head of UK practice at Laura Devine, tells us what to expect from a Conservative impact on UK immigration.
local authority funding, IED

Economic development in the UK: Local authority funding is a crisis of our making

Nigel Wilcock is Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development and argues that local authority funding is a crisis of our making.
conservation success stories, ecosystem

Six conservation success stories of 2019

When nature is eroding and ecosystems are coming under increasing stress, it can seem like the only reaction is despair: However, there are also inspiring conservation success stories from 2019.
drug policy reform, psychedelic

The Psychedelic Renaissance and the importance of drug policy reform

In the view of Amanda Feilding, Founder of the Beckley Foundation, “Psychedelics are unique pharmacological compounds that hold the promise of a profound paradigm shift in psychiatry.” Here, we learn about the Psychedelic Renaissance and the importance of drug policy reform.
bureaucracy in public service, public policy

Service over systems: Freeing the bureaucracy in public service

Dr Philip Whiteman, Lecturer in Public Policy and Administration, University of Birmingham, explains what it takes to become a public servant today, in an environment free from rigid bureaucracy.
uk crime investigations, sexual offences

44% of UK crime investigations are dropped

Tim Kiely, Barrister at Red Lion Chambers, responds to the news that 44% of UK crime investigations are dropped without being fully explored.
uk child poverty rate, social security

UK child poverty rate could increase under current government

A recent report outlines how Conservative social security promises would raise the UK child poverty rate to a record-breaking high.
manipulating the uk general election, digital

Are cybercriminals manipulating the UK general election?

Here, David Warburton discusses the potential for manipulating the UK general election in the digital age.
development of artificial intelligence

Japan: The development of artificial intelligence

Guillermo Garcia from EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, charts the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for medical and industrial purposes in Japan.
AI&TA robots

AI&TA Robots in the classrooms of primary school

Here, Professor Takahira Yamaguchi from Keio University, explores how AI&TA Robots are being used in primary school classrooms.
pesticide risk assessment, european framework

Pesticide risk assessment: European framework shows need for safer alternatives

Here, Alberto Mantovani discusses how to balance chemical pesticides with crop-protection and food security, referring to the ever-evolving European framework.
fertility in pigs

Biosciences: Screening for reduced fertility in pigs – bright new ideas

Professor Darren Griffin and Dr Rebecca O’Connor from the University of Kent’s School of Biosciences, discuss their work on improving UK pig production and reaching out to South East Asia.
Travel Time

The Worthwhile Experience of Travel Time: Perspectives from the MoTiV Project

Learn about the exciting MoTiV Project and the worthwhile experience of Travel Time, with expert input from the European Cyclists’ Federation and the University of Žilina.

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