North America Analysis
Home AG 012 | November 2016

AG 012 | November 2016

The end of 2016 – and what has been an eventful year – is fast approaching. In the November edition of AG, thought is given to a range of topics that have been at the forefront of policy makers’ minds in the last few months

We start the edition off with a foreword from one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission, Jyrki Katainen, who outlines the idea behind the Investment Plan for Europe. He also discusses how the European Commission is supporting the development of cities, to help deliver better services more sustainably.

In our health section this quarter we continue the discussion about antimicrobial resistance and the global challenge to reduce its impact. In the second part of my interview with Alan Johnson from Public Health England (PHE), he details how they are monitoring the problem in the UK and its link with infection control. We also feature articles on this topic from the Minister of Health in Sweden, Gabriel Wikström, and Professor Mark Sharland from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Elsewhere in the publication, we focus our attention on Italy, particularly on science and research efforts there. The special focus highlights three articles from key organisations involved in promoting and funding research throughout the country. The focus kicks off with an article from the Minister for Education, Universities and Research, Stefania Giannini, who highlights how the Italian government are aiming to boost research talent in order to create scientific excellence. Two further pieces come from the Research Council of Italy and AIRC Italy – the Italian Association for Cancer Research.

Consideration is also given in this issue of a number of key issues, including: the value of MBAs, investment in infrastructure, data protection, advocacy and the social care sector, neurodegenerative diseases, and digitalisation in healthcare.

Another topic we highlight is neurodegenerative diseases. Through a number of thought-provoking articles, we tackle key topics from traumatic brain injury and the value of treatment, to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Features within this section come from leading experts in organisations including the US National Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer’s Society, and the European Brain Council.

As always, we hope you find our November 2016 edition informative and useful and we welcome any feedback you may have.