North America Analysis

Health & Social Care News

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

commute to work, mental health, stress levels, jobs and homes

Is your commute to work harming your mental health?

Three-quarters of young brits say their commute to work increases their stress levels yet nearly three in five would commute longer for better jobs and homes.
respiratory protection

Why is respiratory protection so important?

Paul Riddick, Co-Founder and Technical Director at Vodex explores how contaminates being produced on a daily basis in the workplace can damage your health and could even prove fatal.
job coaches, mental health, NHS

NHS rolls out mental health job coaches

NHS England has announced a major expansion of a scheme designed to provide tens of thousands of mental health patients with job coaches to help find employment.
accelerate malaria elimination

$4.3 million donated to accelerate malaria elimination

Tableau, Mapbox, Exasol, and Alteryx commit $4.3 million to accelerate malaria elimination efforts for more than 60 million people.
ward equivalent treatment

Mental health in Germany: A focus on ward-equivalent treatment

Laura Kirschbacher, Corporate Communications Manager at Pfalzklinikum AdöR talks about ward-equivalent treatment (WeT), a special kind of hometreatment, where a multi-professional team visits the patients at home: She accompanied WeT social worker Linda Seez to find out more.
mental wellbeing, hot desk

Is your office setup affecting your mental wellbeing?

With employee mental wellbeing hot on the agenda, Brickendon’s research reveals the biggest hot desking pitfalls and how businesses can overcome them.
allergy sufferers at risk, megan lee

Over 50% of allergy sufferers at risk in UK

As research finds more than half (58%) of allergy sufferers have had their lives put at risk by restaurant or takeaway staff, law firm Slater and Gordon are calling on businesses to have better allergen control.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, multimorbidity

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Ageing and multimorbidity

It is estimated that more than 3 million people in the UK have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.
wellbeing in the workplace

Mind launches free training for organisations to promote wellbeing in the workplace

The new, free training is aimed at organisations of less than 250 people to promote wellbeing in the workplace and is available online at the Mental Health at Work website.
colon cancer

Immunoscore®: From the science to the clinical evidence in colon cancer

Jérôme Galon, Director of Research and Head of the Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology at INSERM, explains Immunoscore®, an in vitro diagnostic test that predicts the risk of relapse in colon cancer patients.
Chronic conditions, Type 2 Diabetes, Asthma, healthcare professionals, Napp, Health service

Napp: Reducing the burden of chronic conditions through partnership

Chronic conditions, such as asthma and diabetes, are creating an increasing burden on the health service.
effective medical bed tracking

UK Healthcare: Using technology for the adoption of effective medical bed tracking

Brendan Crossey, Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Analytics Limited places the adoption of effective medical bed tracking under the spotlight, including the innovative use of technology in this aspect of healthcare.
corneal disease

Early detection of corneal disease with THz and millimetre wave frequency

THz and millimetre wave frequency techniques, combined with thin film measurement methods, provide early detection of corneal edema associated with disease in the view of Zachary Taylor, Assistant Professor at Aalto University.
student mental health services, millennial anxiety

50% rise in need for student mental health services

Millennials are considered one of the most anxious generations: Student mental health services are increasingly necessary.
health and wealth

Delivering improved health and wealth in the UK

Jane Kinghorn, Director of the Translational Research Office at UCL, discusses the importance of research and partnership in improving the health and wealth of the UK.
patient information

Key patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data is still untapped

Goran Nenadic, from The University of Manchester and The Alan Turing Institute, argues for using patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data.
chronic care

A life- and disease course approach to health protection and chronic care

Taking advantage of data and trustworthy collaboration is the way to go when it comes to a life- and disease course approach to health protection and chronic care, argues Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at Profil GmbH.
SACIDS one health

SACIDS: One Health analysis

The SACIDS analysis reveals how SACIDS One Health partnership is addressing urgent problems of infectious disease in Africa, using science and technology.
retinal eye disease

Advancing research and developing new therapies for inherited retinal eye diseases

Takeshi Iwata, Division Director at the National Institute of Sensory Organs, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, tells us about advancing research and developing new therapies for inherited retinal eye diseases.
drug monitoring in cancer

Point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond

DiaChemo is a European project developing a platform technology for point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond, reveals Dr Silke Krol, Head of the Translational Nanotechnology Lab and Coordinator of the DIACHEMO Project.

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