North America Analysis

Cancer Research News

cancer care

The challenge of sustainability in cancer care

All.Can shares their profound insights into the challenges concerning the need to improve the efficiency of cancer care, focusing on better outcomes for patients Healthcare...

Lymphoma – what’s that?

Experts from the Lymphoma Association offer their thoughts on the extent of lymphoma in the UK today and how treatment and diagnosis can improve Every...
early stage cancer

Early stage diagnosis – spotting early stage cancer events

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe, Vandana Iyer and Bhargav Rajan from Frost & Sullivan examine of how nanotechnology helps spot early stage cancer

Pancreatic cancer: A three-pronged attack

Science Information Officer Dr Catherine Pickworth outlines the work being carried out by Cancer Research UK to fight against pancreatic cancer

Cancer Drugs Fund was “politically and intellectually lazy”

The Cancer Drugs Fund, set up to pay for medication not funded by the NHS, was a “huge waste of money” and caused unnecessary suffering for patients

New developments in breast cancer treatment found

A mechanism used by breast cancer cells to grow and spread has been discovered. This has the potential to open the way for a new generation of treatments

Breast cancer: prevention and survival

Rachel Clark, Health Promotion Manager, at World Cancer Research Fund, sheds light on breast cancer and how to reduce the risks of developing the...

Mathematical pathology in determining surgical volume for breast cancer treatment

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is an early form of breast cancer that can be treated with surgery. Surgery can involve removal of the...
cancer © Panuwat Dangsungnoen

Tackling childhood cancer

Hollie Chandler, Senior Policy Advisor at Cancer Research UK highlights the work being done to improve treatment for childhood cancers In the UK around 3,800 children, teenagers...
prostate cancer

The million dollar question in prostate cancer research

Owen Sharp, CEO at Prostate Cancer UK sheds light on the important work that’s being done to better diagnose and treat prostate cancer Most prostate...

Nutrition and prostate cancer

Prostate cancer will become an increasing burden on society Prostate cancer is now the most common malignancy in Western men, accounting for 30% of newly...

Cancer imperialism – how to diagnose bone metastases?

Cancer is an unreliable disease. Just as you think you are familiar with it and can begin treating and hopefully curing it, it is...

Putting skin cancer in the shade

Sarah Williams, Senior Health Information Officer at Cancer Research UK sheds light on the increased number of skin cancer diagnoses and the importance of...

A novel approach to Melanoma

Melanoma is one of the most aggressive cancers in the human population. In addition to its aggressiveness, it is also the only one of...

Skin cancer: deadly but preventable

Jon Pleat MA DPhil FRCS(Plast), Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Advisor at SCaRF details the risks of skin cancer and how it can be prevented Skin cancer...
Scientists develop blood test for bowel cancer

Scientists develop blood test for bowel cancer

A new blood test has been developed by scientists in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic that can detect bowel cancer. The research, which is...
Lung cancer death rates may overtake breast cancer

Lung cancer death rates may overtake breast cancer

For the first time, the number of European women who have died as a result of lung cancer is expected to be higher than...
Research finds tanning salons likely to cause skin cancer even without sunburn

Research finds ‘base’ tanning skin cancer link

Research produced by the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis has found that building a tan before spending time in the sun does not protect...

The cancer challenge

Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg supports Europe’s concerns about cancer and the huge challenges it presents. Cancer continues to present a huge challenge for patients...
breast cancer

New campaign for breast cancer launched

Latest figures from Public Health England revealed that one in 3 women diagnosed with breast cancer in England are over 70. It was also revealed...

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