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ban political advertisements, cambridge analytica

Twitter will definitely ban political advertisements

Twitter announced that it will ban political advertisements beginning 15 November and Facebook remains defiant on the issue despite Cambridge Analytica.
stress in the workplace

National Stress Awareness Week: Tips for managing stress in the workplace

Ahead of National Stress Awareness Week (Monday 4th November – Friday 8th November 2019), TalkOut has pulled together these handy tips to help you feel calmer, less stressed and more mindful in the workplace.
mouth cancer

The Oral Health Foundation launches national mouth cancer campaign

More than 130 people joined The Oral Health Foundation yesterday, at the Houses of Parliament, as the charity announced this year's Mouth Cancer Action Month.
pegasus spyware, whatsapp attacks

WhatsApp attacks: Pegasus spyware hacks 1400 users

WhatsApp have launched a legal case against the NSO group, for hacking the encrypted messaging platform with their Pegasus spyware which roughly impacted 1,400 users.
future career, future first

65% of 15-year-olds worry about their future career

Future First polling shows 75% of 15 year olds feel it would be useful to hear from alumni in working life, especially about their own future career.
cancer screening machines

78 NHS trusts to receive new cancer screening machines

The 78 trusts, that have now been announced, will receive funding for new machines that will improve patient experience and lead to earlier cancer diagnosis.
Grenfell Phase One, no evacuation plan

Grenfell Phase One: No evacuation plan existed

Here, we discuss the Grenfell Phase One report published today (30 October), which found that there was no evacuation plan for the high-rise.
student loans for prisoners

UK divided over student loans for prisoners

The UK is narrowly divided over whether prisoners should be able to take out student loans to pay for degrees, according to an exclusive poll by LearnBonds.

Putting the user at the heart of cloud-first strategies

Kate Warboys, Head of Marketing at Arcus Global, discusses why she believes that when local authorities take steps to migrate their services to the cloud, the experience of the end-user should be at the heart of every decision.
infrastructure revolution, emerging technology

Emerging technology demands an infrastructure revolution

Professor Maria Merlyne de Souza, member of the IEEE and Professor of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Sheffield University discuses why infrastructure must change in order to meet the demands of emerging technology.
career progression

New mothers experience challenges in career progression

Supporting latest Government research, Yoopies explores why women struggle to progress in their careers after having a child.
mental health day with mindfulness

Make every day mental health day with mindfulness

James Gillies, Mindfulness Workshop Leader, discusses how mindfulness practice can help make every day a mental health day.
power resistors

Designing power resistors for renewable applications 

Here Simone Bruckner, managing director at power resistor manufacturer, Cressall, explains the challenges in designing resistors for renewable applications.
human habitability

The Biosphere: Global limits of human habitability

Here, Dr Steven Running dives into the questions of Net Primary Product and ongoing climate change, to illuminate what the global limits of the biosphere are.
UK sanctions, SAMLA

UK Sanctions: Where are we now?

Here, John Binns from BCL Solicitors LLP briefly explains UK sanctions - where they came from and what the B-word impact will be.
London properties

£10.7 billion’s worth of London properties are unoccupied

Research by HomeProtect has revealed that £10.7 billion’s worth of London properties are sitting unoccupied.
genetic brain disease, Hereditary spastic paraplegias

Researchers discover new genetic brain disease

Manchester researchers have contributed towards the discovery of a genetic brain disease which can cause paraplegia and epilepsy in sufferers.
revenge porn investigation, image based sexual abuse

Pornhub: The ongoing revenge porn investigation

Recently, CPS begun a revenge porn investigation that delved into how and why these images are allowed to exist.
budget delay

Budget delay could fuel NHS pension crisis, says Tilney

Graham MacLeod, financial planning director at Tilney, looks at the ongoing issues and what impact the Budget delay could have on the NHS pension crisis.
efficient transport systems

Call for government to take control of efficient transport systems

As everyone clammers for cleaner, better, more efficient transport systems, Steve Nash, IMI Chief Executive calls for central government to take stock, take control and learn from best practice.

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