
Open Access Government brings you the latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training and mental health.

We cover stories on research to improve workplace staff productivity and employee stress levels to help combat the fear of ’employee burning out’. With expert opinions from companies around the country, you can find articles on workplace benefits and the positives to flexible working hours.

Also available are articles concerning compliance to HR and the problems surrounding gender discrimination and inequality.

pay gap

What does the pay gap look like in Britain?

The latest data by the Office for National Statistics has found that, while the gender gap in the UK has been steadily closing with the gap reported to have reached a record low in 2017, the average woman in the workplace still earns 9.1% less than the average man        
employee productivity

Ways to improve employee productivity with workforce innovation

Employee productivity plays an important part in your business' success. This is why you need to follow these tips from Peter Davidson to improve workforce innovation 

Freelancers will dominate UK workforce despite job uncertainty concerns

Whilst freelancers will soon be the UK’s dominant workforce, there is still uncertainty around job security and a big issue with the gender pay gap
UK’s construction industry

How apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry

Amy Hodgetts, Copywriter for Niftylift Ltd explores just how apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry.
unemployed households

Unemployed households plummets by 637,000

More children than ever before are now living with a working adult as new data shows that the number of UK households without a...
AI in the workplace

Employees embrace the growth of AI in the workplace

Research collected by Instant Offices shows office workers believe tech integration improves working conditions, efficiency and communication with co-workers

Official figures show a decrease in UK Neets

There has been a welcome drop in the number of young people in the UK who are not in education, employment or training, known as Neets
young talent

What businesses must do to attract the best young talent

Manuelle Malot from EDHEC Business School explains what businesses must do to attract the best young talent
HR skills

New data reveals huge digital HR skills gap

New research from HR consultants AdviserPlus has revealed that 76% of HR professionals believe there is a shortage of digital talent within the industry
youth unemployment

Unemployment rate falls further, with record low youth unemployment

The unemployment rate has fallen further this month, to 4%, and the proportion of young people who are unemployed and not in full-time education is at a record low of 4.7% 

Lone Workers – Your Hidden Workforce

There are over six million lone workers in the UK which represents about 20% of the UK workforce. They represent the “hidden” workforce that is under represented in an office they rarely frequent.
online training

Face to face vs. online training: What’s your pick?

Kamy Anderson, Market Researcher at ProProfs explores the differences between face to face and online training.
household chores

Millennials wiling to pay someone to complete handy tasks and household chores

The younger generation may be digital natives who know the ins and outs of the latest apps and social media platforms, but it seems they’re not as ‘handy’ at tasks or household chores compared to the older generation
armed forces

NHS Employers hold careers fair for Armed Forces personnel

NHS Employers held a careers fair, on Wednesday, to help members of the Armed Forces community find jobs and training opportunities in the health sector
Apprenticeship Framework

Arch Apprentices successfully obtains place on Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Apprenticeship Framework

A contract has been awarded to Arch Apprentices from Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation which will afford NHS, police, schools, local authorities much greater access to acquiring much-needed apprentices
disabled people

Increased funding provided to businesses that support disabled people in the workplace

Today the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Esther McVey, has announced increased funding to support businesses that provide extra employment support for disabled people with the greatest barriers to work

Bosses discriminate against women in fear of them becoming pregnant

Almost one in three UK bosses wouldn’t hire a female applicant in case they become pregnant soon, new research suggests 
Workplace technology

Workplace technology – How has it impacted health and safety?

Employers have a duty of care to ensure that employees are not at risk when at work in businesses and organisations across Britain —so how are employers using technology to stay within the law and protect their team?  
Degree apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeships revolutionise leadership learning

Andy Bailey of Ashridge Executive Education explains the extent to which degree apprenticeships revolutionise leadership learning
skills and qualifications

A new Europass for better communication of skills and qualifications

Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility explains how a new Europass ensures better communication of skills and qualifications in Europe today

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