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net zero

The role of heat networks in net zero delivery

Ian Allan, Head of Market Strategy for Switch2 Energy explains how next generation heat networks can help deliver on the UK’s net zero target.
CO2 waste emissions

New technology could turn CO2 waste emissions into useful materials

A new technology has been developed by engineers from UNSW to help convert CO2 waste emissions into chemical building blocks to make products like plastics and fuels.
clean technology projects

The Green Deal: Commission invests €1bn in innovative clean technology projects

The commission has recently launched calls for proposals under the Innovation Fund to encourage clean technology projects and to achieve climate neutrality.
cleaner transport

Building momentum for cleaner transport

Amy Adams, VP Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technologies at Cummins, discusses how we can build momentum for cleaner transport to make way for more resilient, healthier, and more sustainable cities.

Automated Biodecontamination Solutions with Bioquell Technology

With Bioquell, an Ecolab Solution, leading companies trust in our end-to-end contamination control solutions. Take the lead.
green transport

A path to green transport in Europe

Open Access Government discusses Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean’s priorities for digital and green transport in Europe amidst COVID-19.
energy policy

What are the UK’s priorities for energy policy including electric vehicles today?

Megan Warrender of Open Access Government explores Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, led by Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP’s, priorities for energy policy in response to COVID-19.
Infectious diseases of humans and animals

Health research in Africa: Infectious diseases of humans and animals

Gerald Misinzo and Mark Rweyemamu from SACIDS Foundation for One Health provide a detailed look at one health research by the Africa centres of excellence for infectious diseases of humans and animals.
clean energy transition

A clean energy transition in Europe

Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy charts her policy priorities for a clean energy transition in Europe in spite of COVID-19.
electric cars and buses

Electric cars and buses: The principal transport mode of the future?

Dr Robert Carpenter, MD of Inside2Outside Ltd, provides a detailed insight into electric cars and buses which he argues will be the principal mode of transport soon.
wave energy, SEA TITAN

SEA-TITAN: Wave energy technology convergence

Aleix Maria Arenas from Wedge Global tells us what we need to know about the H2020-funded SEA-TITAN project that encourages a step-change towards wave energy technology convergence.
bio-decontamination, COVID-19

Bioquell’s rapid bio-decontamination service (RBDS) is effective against COVID-19

Director of Product Management at Bioquell, Guy Turner, explains how RBDS uses Bioquell’s 35% hydrogen peroxide vapour solution to eliminate pathogens, thus providing a 6-log sporicidal kill and eliminating all traces of COVID-19.
covid-19 aid package, next generation EU

Next Generation EU: Will the COVID-19 aid package work?

Experts say the post-pandemic rebuild needs to be sustainable: Next Generation EU is a COVID-19 aid package that promises to be green.

How can businesses ensure that their workplaces are COVID-secure?

Tautvydas Karitonas, Head of Research and Development at Inivos, provides insight on how businesses can ensure that when their employees return to work, their work environment is COVID-secure.
global challenges

How are advanced materials part of the solution to our global challenges?

Philippe JACQUES, Managing Director of EMIRI, explores how advanced materials can be used to solve global challenges such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
chemistry research

Chemistry research: Driving discovery and development

The Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation, provides an update on their work in driving discovery and development concerning chemistry research that improves the quality of life in the United States.
shipbuilding market

Maritime transport analysis: The changing shipbuilding market in Finland

Ulla Tapaninen, Maritime Economics and Logistics for the City of Helsinki, turns our thoughts to how in Finland, the shipbuilding market is undergoing some change in this fascinating maritime transport analysis.
climate and energy

Policy insight: The climate and energy ambitions of Denmark

Here, we provide an update on the climate and energy ambitions of Denmark, focussing on the thoughts of Minister of Climate, Energy and Supply, Dan Jørgensen about these vital policy areas.
electron affinity determination

Metastable and excited negative ion formation in lanthanide and actinide atoms: Implications for electron...

Dr Alfred Msezane from the Department of Physics, Clark Atlanta University, tells us about the implications for electron affinity determination when considering metastable and excited negative ion formation in lanthanide and actinide atoms.
data centres, fire safety

Fire in data centres: Smoke is the biggest cause of damage

Derek Killaspy, Managing Director of Fireworks Ltd, explores why data centres are moving to high pressure water mist fire suppression systems.

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