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hybrid workplace

Is the post pandemic hybrid workplace supporting the ‘levelling-up’ agenda?

Alison White, co-founder workplace designers and change advisers PLACEmaking, discusses the shift in our mentality towards a work-life balance post pandemic 
workplace wellbeing

Championing mental health and workplace wellbeing

Philip Mullen, Managing Director, UK and Europe at LifeWorks, looks at what we can learn from the conversations of elite athletes and how it can be translated into workplace wellbeing.
Has COVID 19 increased our acceptance of the role of ’Artificial Intelligence’ in the office workplace?

COVID and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in the workplace

Has COVID 19 increased our acceptance of the role of ’Artificial Intelligence’ in the office workplace? Placemaking discuss the notion...
acute care workplaces

Delivering care-centred workplaces for acute care

Specialists in acute care Draeger Medical UK Ltd prioritise patient wellbeing and efficiency in holistic approach to a well-designed healthcare workplace
Preventing burnout

Preventing burnout: Supporting mental health in the workplace

Nicola Hemmings, Workplace Scientist at Koa Health, and Dr Claire Vowell, Counselling Psychologist, discuss the growing problem of burnout
hybrid workplace

Soft skills are more important than ever in the hybrid workplace

Nikolas Kairinos, CEO, Soffos.ai, believes that soft skills are crucial for remote and flexible roles, and offers advice on how to move up the career ladder into positions that better utilise individuals’ abilities.
long Covid in the workplace

How businesses can cope with the effects of Long Covid in the workplace

Gill Nye, Executive Head of HR at Cantium Business Solutions, explores the effect long covid will have on the workplace, with a particular focus on occupational health provision.
Hybrid Burnout

Supporting employees returning to the hybrid workplace

Brendan Street, Head of Charity, Nuffield Health, ponders the latest workplace epidemic Hybrid Burnout and how to help staff manage the psychological stress of balancing home and office working.
employee development

The long-term lens on employee development and wellbeing in the workplace

Here, Mark Creighton, CEO of Avado, speaks on the urgent need to overhaul our skills system and focus on the youth of tomorrow, ensuring they have the capabilities needed to thrive as we enter a new phase of hybrid working.
safety in the workplace 2021, illness

Safety in the workplace in 2021

Matthew Bedford, Managing Director at medical technology solutions specialist, explores the subject of safety in the workplace in 2021.
workplace change

How organisations respond to the demand for workplace change

Fintan Burke and Alison White of independent workplace designers, PLACEmaking, explore how organisations can meet the demand for workplace change post-COVID.
workplace gender equality, women workplace

Study says men have “major influence” on workplace gender equality

The study, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, finds that men can have major influence on workplace gender equality - if they appear to support women, they can change dynamics of hostility and isolation.
ban headscarves, hijab

EU court says workplaces can ban headscarves

The EU Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled that companies can now ban headscarves for Muslim employees, to "prevent social disputes".
Workplace creativity

Delivering creativity in the workplace

Chetan Walia, Associate Professor for Innovation and Leadership at the School of Management, University of Bradford and Rolly Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer of the BeOne Foundation for Transformational Leadership, explore the challenges of delivering creativity in the workplace.
remote-first workforce, digital

Workplace technology design for a remote-first workforce

David Turner, Managing Director of MSC Digital, outlines the key features of technology design to ensure your organisation can support a complete or partial remote-first workforce.
workplace of the future

COVID-19 and the workplace of the future

Here, PLACEmaking looks ahead to how the changes made to our ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis could decide the workplace of the future.
proximity to work

What happens when the workplace loses its gravitational pull?

Tushar Agarwal, CEO and Co-founder, Hubble, discusses how 2020 broke all the rules around the way society makes life-changing decisions revolving around our proximity to work and how on a macro-level this will fundamentally affect cities, countries and continents.
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, POI

Suffering with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) in the workplace

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, a specialist in Women’s health at The Marion Gluck Clinic, explores how Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) can affect working women and how they can discuss this problem with their employer.
wellness in the workplace

Wellness in the workplace: Why it needs to involve everyone

Paul Wells, CEO of intelligent building solutions provider, IM&M, explores the importance of addressing wellness in the workplace.
Workplace bias

Workplace bias is still experienced by 86%, but how can we stop it?

360 Resourcing conducted a survey on workplace bias and found that it is still experienced by 86% of employees. Here they explore what society is missing when it comes to creating an unbiased working environment.

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