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improved body composition

How to fight diabetes with improved body composition

Here the InBody Clinical Team explain how improved body composition can help fight type 2 diabetes.
diagnosis of dementia

Diagnosis of dementia: The impact of COVID-19

Dementia UK’s Head of Research and Publications, Dr Karen Harrison Dening, discusses her thoughts on the diagnosis of dementia and the impact of COVID-19 on this.
street children

Poverty focus: Empowering mothers of street children

Emily Malcolm from Toybox argues that empowering mothers of street children through business has important ripple effects to change the future for generations to come in this fascinating poverty focus.
permanent remote working

How Connected Workspaces make permanent remote working possible

William Copley, Founder and Managing Director, Armstrong Bell comments on how Connected Workspaces make permanent remote working possible.

Should the Early Years address food poverty?

June O’Sullivan MBE, CEO of London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), stresses the need for the Government to make the free school meal voucher scheme available to all children, including those below the age of five.
patients with diabetes, COVID-19

Impact of COVID-19 on healthcare for patients with diabetes

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group considers how the standard of healthcare for patients with diabetes is impacted by COVID-19.
slow climate change, energy

How can nanotechnology help us in our fight to slow climate change?

All forces are being brought to bear in our challenge to slow climate change, in an attempt to preserve our planet for future generations - where does nanotechnology fit in?

How are car manufacturers adapting to a more eco-conscious climate?

Emily Hanson, Content Manager at Lease Fetcher, outlines how car manufacturers are catering to the demand for greener, more ethical vehicle choices.
fixed wireless broadband

Fixed wireless broadband underpins the future of remote learning

Bruce Miller, Vice President of Enterprise Marketing, Cambium Networks, explores why fixed wireless broadband underpins the future of remote learning.
Seasonal affective disorder

Alleviating Seasonal Affective Disorder in WFH employees

Here, Know Your Money have listed a handful of tips for employers on how they can alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in work from home employees.
R&D tax credits

The Information and Communications sector thrives from R&D Tax Credits

Barrie Dowsett from Myriad Associates explores how R&D Tax Credits have enabled the Information and Communications sector to thrive since 2017.
childcare support

Eligibility for childcare support has been extended for working parents

The Government has confirmed that working parents who are on the coronavirus support schemes will still be eligible for childcare support even if their income falls below the minimum threshold requirement.

Study finds antibody response to COVID-19 reduces over time

The largest at-home antibody study for COVID-19 has found that the number of people with antibodies fell by 26.5% after infection.
recycling mistakes

10 common recycling mistakes we make at home

Rich Quelch at eco-packaging specialists Lifestyle Packaging explains 10 common recycling mistakes you may be making and how to avoid them.
online schools

Are online schools the future of Education?

David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia High School, answers the question as to whether online schools are the future of Education by reflecting on past mistakes and learning from them.
equity release market

How the equity release market has changed in 2020

Key, a provider for equity release advice, discusses the research they found looking at the statistics for equity release in 2020 and how it has been spent.
minimising waste

Which countries are the most efficient at minimising waste?

Packaging supplier RAJA has conducted research to reveal the top 29 countries that have been efficient in minimising waste by analysing metrics such as recycling, composting, incineration and waste recovered levels for the past five years.
Taxpayers money

Taxpayers money for police and fire brigade services is wasted on fly-tipping

It has been revealed that taxpayers money is being used to clean up fly-tipping incidents as opposed to being allocated to police and fire brigade services.
small business owner

How to survive a crisis as a small business owner

Tim Vine, Head of Credit Intelligence at Dun & Bradstreet, provides tips on how UK SMEs - that now face unprecedented operational and cash flow issues - can look to stay afloat in turbulent times.
children with SEN

Digital EHC pathways: Boosting access to support for children with SEN

Chris Evans, Head of Product & Strategy at Idox, explores the challenges around education, health and care plan assessments and how technology can help to make them more streamlined for children with SEN, parents/carers and local authorities involved.

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