Digital Transformation News

Procurement frameworks for IT

Procurement frameworks for IT don’t deliver true out-of-the-box functionality

Hannah Paterson, Principal Consultant at Step5, argues that procurement frameworks for IT may need external expertise for smooth implementation.
technology and culture, digital strategy

Does culture eat digital strategy for breakfast?

Alex Covey, Partner – People & Culture, Tessiant, discusses the importance of combining technology and culture for a successful digital strategy transformation.
change programme, digital transformation

Setting up ERP and other technology-enabled change programmes for success

Bryan Oak, Chief Operating Officer of Searchlight Consulting, highlights the importance of preparation and alignment when planning a successful ERP-based, or any technology-enabled change programme.
digital tech, COVID

Digital tech in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Justin Nogarede, FEPS Digital Policy Analyst, says that while digital tech can’t solve everything, can it solve anything? Read on to find out about the role of digital tech in the COVID-19 pandemic.
health and care

How can digital transformation improve health & care?

Dr Philip Scott, Chair, BCS Health & Care, explores how digital transformation can improve our health and care.
Collaborative working

Collaborative working delivers for users at 10 UK councils

Will Callaghan, Product Lead for LocalGov Drupal, explains how collaborative working across 10 councils has provided better services for citizens during the COVID-19 lockdown.
digital transformation for the public sector

G-Cloud 12: Digital transformation for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service provides an update on G-Cloud 12, one way in which digital transformation for the public sector is enabled.
small-scale digitalisation

How small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector

Satpal Biant, Head of Public Sector, SAP UK, looks at how small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector.
reduce operational costs

How councils can reduce operational costs and manage tech investments

Nick Smee, CEO of Yotta, explores the digital resident demands and funding issues that councils face may this year and considers the steps they can to take re-evaluate their technology investments, reduce operational costs and better manage budget allocation.
smart infrastructure solutions

What if there was an ‘Alexa’ for smart infrastructure solutions?

Leading smart infrastructure solutions company Costain discusses the countless benefits of setting up the right data-sharing platform to help organisations transform business performance and meet carbon reduction targets.
citizen experience, emerging tech

Citizen experience: Frictionless operations to improve people’s lives 

When rethinking service transformation, the focus should be on reshaping - Christopher Sly, AVP, Digital Transformation, HGS UK, explains why knowing the limitations to emerging tech reshapes a far greater value story.
new digital hardware framework, NHS

Public sector could save £250 million via new digital hardware framework

The new digital hardware framework could save the NHS and wider public sector up to £250 million - building on the success of many services transitioning to remote working.
data and analytics, SDG group

Leading the way into the ‘new normal’ using data and analytics

SDG Group is a global data and analytics consulting firm, offering in-depth expertise that empowers its clients’ strategies to become data-driven enterprises and bridges the gap between data and business decisions.
digital innovation in 2021

COVID-19 has finally turned the tide on digital transformation

Ritam Gandhi, Founder and Director, Studio Graphene, discusses how and why large businesses are preparing to lead the charge when it comes to digital innovation in 2021.
Digital Outcomes and Specialists

Procurement: Digital transformation in the public sector

Crown Commercial Service explain how the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 procurement framework enables digital transformation of the public sector.
data integration

Data integration is vital to companies operating remotely

Lindsay Lucas, Managing Director, Software Solved, discusses why an intelligent approach to digital transformation can provide companies with complete, accurate, and real-time data, vital during remote working.
pandemic procurement, COVID

Could tech help the UK Government solve pandemic procurement issues?

Garry Jones, CEO of Perfect Channel, discusses the UK's pandemic procurement issues and proposes that well-used tech would improve Government efficiency.
sustainable IT, printer

Sustainable IT and the 2020 office

Here, we learn from Crispin Associates Ltd about sustainable IT and its impact on health in the 2020 office through an in-depth look at photocopiers and printers.
IT infrastructure, cloud computing

Why infrastructure should be at the top of your organisation’s IT agenda

CEOs of IT Naturally Julie Bishop and Richard Gardner discuss why IT infrastructure matters, and why their refreshing approach to changing, running, and securing infrastructure is winning customers’ hearts and minds.
supplier privatisation, public data

It’s time to eliminate supplier privatisation of public data

Luke Morton, CTO at Made Tech, discusses why now is the time to deal with supplier privatisation of public data - from big to small tech firms, data should be handled with transparency.

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