North America Analysis

Health & Social Care News

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Extra funding available for domestic abuse services in Sheffield

Sheffield City Council as announced they are boosting support services for domestic abuse victims with an extra £28,000 of funding… The extra government funding will...

Cancer not down to ‘bad luck’, suggests new study

A new study suggests that cancer is not largely down to bad luck but overwhelmingly a result of environmental factors… The study in the journal...

Make tackling childhood obesity your new year’s resolution urges royal college

A year on from their last article in AG, Prof Russell Viner, Officer for Health Promotion at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child...
children's services

Failing children’s services face tough measures

Children’s services that are failing could be taken over by high-performing councils and charities if they show no sign of improvement… Local authority social services...

New and effective drugs? Yes, please, but where from?

How the University of Strathclyde has approached meeting the responsibility to create opportunities to satisfy the demand for new drugs.
researcher in a lab

A European leader in cancer clinical trials

Denis Lacombe, John Bean and Mathilde Fenoulhet from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) outline how clinical trials play an...
health spending

NHS deficit is set to reach £2.2bn by the end of the year  

NHS trusts across England are reporting a significant shortfall in the year to date and look set to end 2015 in massive debt… Earlier this...

98 per cent of doctors vote for strike action

Junior doctors have voted in favour of taking action against ministers in a row over contracts and pay… In what is certain to be a...

Improving workplace accommodation for the elderly and disabled

Older workers with more potential for health-related issues will present new challenges for preventing work disability...

The real cost of healthcare fraud

Jim Gee, Partner and Head of Forensic and Counter Fraud Services at PKF Littlejohn sheds light on the impact of fraud on the healthcare...
mental health

Fit-for-work tests takes toll on mental health

A new study has revealed the impact of tougher fit-for-work tests on mental health… Research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health shows...
mark britnell

Are we prepared for an ageing society?

Dr Mark Britnell, Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice at KPMG answers AG’s questions about the impact of an ageing society on the...

Gynaecological cancers – prevention and early detection

Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention…  According to World...
nuclear medicine

Nuclear Medicine in Dusseldorf

The Clinic of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital is located both in Düsseldorf and at the Research Center Jülich, and runs a nuclear...

It’s the ‘content’ of cells that matters in biomedical research

One of the most remarkable things about life on earth, in all its forms, is how cells often only tens of microns in diameter...

Exon skipping: making sense out of nonsense

Associate Professor Michela Alessandra Denti, Principal Investigator of the Laboratory of RNA Biology and Biotechnology at the Centre for Integrative Biology of the University of Trento,...

China to the UK: Tackling cancer across borders

The China-United Kingdom Cancer (CUKC) Conference 2015 welcomed approximately 200 experts, including senior medics, scientists and scholars from world leading, international institutions to discuss...

Flying the flag for cancer research

OAG highlights the efforts made by the Welsh Government to improve cancer care and research throughout the country Due to an ageing population, the demand...
Gynecologic cancer

Research at Oslo University Hospital in the field of Gynaecologic cancer

Oslo University Hospital (OUS) is a big hospital formed by the merger of 4 hospitals. The State Hospital, the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Ullevaal Hospital...

Reducing the burden of cancer

AG highlights the work of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), to reduce and treat cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the U.S. Federal government’s...

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