North America Analysis

Open Access News

willing to get vaccinated

84% of young people willing to get vaccinated

Data from a MyVoice national survey has found that the percentage of young people who say they're willing to get vaccinated has risen to 84%.
employee engagement strategies

Reassessing employee engagement strategies

Lucinda Carney, CEO and Founder of Actus Software, discusses the importance of reassessing employee engagement strategies for a virtual workforce.
altered immune system

Altered immune system linked to Long-Covid

Scientists from the University of Manchester have discovered an alteration in the immune system of COVID-19 patients 6 months after hospitalisation, which could be linked to poorer health outcomes.
maternal and child health, child health COVID

Prioritising maternal and child health in the COVID-19 era

Mahesh Karra, Assistant Professor of Global Development Policy, discusses the importance of maternal and child health during the COVID pandemic.
plant-based consumption

European plant-based consumption grows by 49% in two years

Plant-based consumption has increased by 49% in two years across Europe, according to Nielsen data, the first and only report of its kind, published by the Smart Protein project.
mobile workforces

The changing face of mobile working in the public sector

Charles Knight, Managing Director of Public Services at Totalmobile, explores what the public sector might look like post-Covid for its mobile workforce.
blood clots

New study investigates link between COVID-19 and risk of blood clots

People who have recovered from COVID-19 may be at risk of developing blood clots due to an overactive immune response, according to a new study.
moderna and novavax, mixing vaccine

New UK study will mix Moderna and Novavax COVID doses

Researchers in the UK started a clinical trial on mixing vaccines in February - today (14 April) a new study will look into mixing Moderna and Novavax doses.
young people criminal, youth

Can we stop young people falling into criminal gangs?

Marco Fiorentino, director of justice & enforcement at Northgate Public Services explores a digital approach to protect young people from crime.
travel habits

How lockdown travel habits are influencing the green recovery

Mark Nicholson, CEO of Vivacity Labs, discusses how local lockdown travel habits are already influencing the green recovery.
smart infrastructure solutions

What if there was an ‘Alexa’ for smart infrastructure solutions?

Leading smart infrastructure solutions company Costain discusses the countless benefits of setting up the right data-sharing platform to help organisations transform business performance and meet carbon reduction targets.

Pro-poor policy: What is the role of aspirations failure?

Sayantan Ghosal, Adam Smith Chair in Political Economy, discusses an often-overlooked policy question: What is the relationship between aspiration failure and the continuation of poverty?
peat soils

Peat soils: Climate killer or climate saver?

Experts in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Bernd Lennartz, Franziska Tanneberger and Nicole Wrage-Mönnig discuss the complex effects of peat soils on the climate.
muslim COVID vaccine, covid

Muslims can get COVID vaccine without breaking fast

The NHS said that Muslims can take the COVID vaccine during Ramadan without breaking their fasts, with some centres offering extended opening times.

Asthma drug shortens COVID-19 recovery time

Budesonide, a drug used to treat asthma, has been found to shorten recovery time in COVID-19 patients who are treated at home.
johnson & johnson vaccine, astrazeneca

US stops Johnson & Johnson vaccine to investigate blood clot risk

US authorities paused the use of the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine as they look into six cases of blood clots that developed in women aged between 18 and 48.
eu right to repair

EU Right to Repair: Industrial manufacturers need to be held accountable

Augustin Celier, co-founder, Uptime, discusses why industrial manufacturers need to be held equally accountable for fair, open and transparent offerings as the recent EU Right to Repair laws have demanded from our consumer electronics.
relying on technology

The dangers of business and HR relying on technology in Covid times

Rami Cassis, Founder and CEO of Parabellum Investments, discusses the dangers of relying on technology to judge how well an employee is performing and also looks at which cultures expect different things from their HR leaders.
COVID antibody drug, COVID-19

Clinical trial finds COVID antibody drug can prevent infection

Uninfected people lived with one infected individual as part of the study - the COVID antibody drug gave them 72% protection against catching the virus themselves.
elderly falls

After COVID, can we better manage and prevent the likely rise in elderly falls?

Barak Katz, VP and GM Essence SmartCare, discusses the future of fall prevention and establishing more proactive elderly care, post COVID-19.

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