North America Analysis

Open Access News

lawsuit astrazeneca, pfizer

European Commission prepares lawsuit against AstraZeneca

According to Politico, the European Commission is getting ready to file a lawsuit against AstraZeneca over COVID vaccine deliveries.
HIV patients in latin america, living with HIV

Life expectancy is up for HIV patients in Latin America

Researchers studied over 30,688 HIV patients across seven Latin American countries - finding that life expectancy has dramatically increased over a period of 14 years.
executive dysfunction and ptsd, brain

Scientists find link between emotional regulation and PTSD

Researchers believe that they have found a PTSD marker in the brain region associated with emotional regulation - with the marker being strongest in people with "impaired executive dysfunction".
return to work

My employee doesn’t want to return to work – what can I do?

Here, Alan Price, CEO of BrightHR, advises what businesses can do when an employee doesn't want to return to work, when it is safe to do so.
sensitive data

How can businesses protect sensitive data in a remote working landscape?

Anurag Kahol, CTO of Bitglass, discusses how businesses can effectively protect sensitive consumer data in a remote working business landscape.
hybrid learning

In-Class, remote, or hybrid learning? How technology in education can help

Nadav Avni, Marketing Director at Radix Technologies, discusses the advantages of implementing device management solutions technology into education and the role that it plays on a day-to-day level through remote classrooms, hybrid learning, and in-person teaching.
flexible workers

How to develop resilience for flexible workers

Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
CUI classification

Five steps towards effective CUI classification

Adam Strange, Global Marketing Director at Titus, by HelpSystems, talks us through the 5 steps towards effective CUI classification.
mental health strategies, astronauts

Astronauts learn mental health strategies in Antarctic before space

Astronauts need mental health strategies that work as they drift in space with isolation, confinement and strange light-dark cycles - so they go to the Antarctic.
supply chain strategy

How to manage business demand with a supply chain strategy

Calum Lewis, Founder and Principal Consultant of OP2MA, explains why businesses need to harness their supply chain strategies to cope with demand surges.
small-scale digitalisation

How small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector

Satpal Biant, Head of Public Sector, SAP UK, looks at how small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector.
cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats to the COVID-19 vaccine

Raymond Pompon, Director of F5 Labs, looks at the cybersecurity threats to the COVID-19 vaccine amid the rise in cyber attacks since the onset of the pandemic.
anti-black bias, racism

Research finds that one in five US police have anti-Black bias

Anti-Black bias has been the subject of #blm protests all year - now, sociologists have analysed 4.8 million adults to further explore the current status of police racism.
covid cases per city, eviction

Scientists say evictions will create 49,000 more COVID cases per city

The researchers found that COVID cases per city could increase by 49,000 to 53,000, if evictions are allowed to continue for atleast 1% of households.
uk mutation, b117

UK mutation 45% more infectious than original COVID-19

The UK mutation of COVID-19, aka B117, has been found by scientists to be 45% more infectious than the original form of the virus.
die of covid, black women

Scientists find Black women four times likelier to die of COVID

Researchers at Harvard University found that Black women are four times more likely to die of COVID than white men - the data also revealed that Black women are three times more likely to die of the virus than Asian men.
indigenous societies, land management

Indigenous societies responsible for “millennia” of biodiversity

An interdisciplinary research team found that conservation efforts aiming to "return land to a pristine state" without humans will fail - as Indigenous societies are responsible for "millennia" of biodiversity.
radio waves in space, fast radio bursts

Scientists discover unusual low frequency radio waves in space

The mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) in space now include lower frequency radio waves than scientists have ever detected - complicating their attempt to find the source.
vaccinate population covid, COVAX

Some countries can’t vaccinate population against COVID until 2023

In February, 16% of the world's population pre-ordered 70% of available COVID vaccines - now, researchers at Colombia University reveal that some poorer countries won't be able to vaccinate their population until 2023.
drone on mars, NASA drone

NASA flies drone on Mars for first time

Yesterday (19 April), the Ingenuity drone on Mars became the first in history to make a controlled flight on another planet - climbing to a height of 10 feet and then touching back down on the red surface.

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