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cloud seeding, climate change

Can cloud seeding partially mitigate the environmental impact of climate change?

Darrel Baumgardner, Chief Scientist from Droplet Measurement Technologies, LLC, considers if cloud seeding can partially mitigate the environmental impact of climate change
confront the threat

SMEs need to confront the threat of ransomware

AJ Thompson, CCO of Northdoor plc, discusses why ransomware is not just an enterprise problem and why SMEs need to confront the threat
tracking long COVID, COVID symptoms

Real-time symptom tracking for long COVID

Katrina Delargy, Managing Director of TIYGA Health, tells us what we need to know about real-time symptom tracking for long COVID.
disparities in smoking

How are disparities in smoking highlighting the global issue of health inequality?

C3 Collaborating for Health is working to make it easier for everyone to make healthier choices, and here, we learn why this is particularly important for smokers.
long-term mental health strategy

Towards a long-term Mental Health Strategy

Chairs of the Parliament’s Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing demand immediate action to address the growing mental health crisis and the creation of a long-term Mental Health Strategy.
chemical processes using iron catalysts, rare-earth

Improvements in chemical processes using iron catalysts 

Prof Masahiro Kamitani, Department of Chemistry at Kitasato University, Japan, explains the significance of developing catalysts in the manufacturing industry and improvements made in iron-based chemical processes.
Japan HR, higher education

What kind of HR does Japan need?

This article summarises what has been done so far in Japanese higher education to develop advanced human resources (HR), which highlights the lack of programmes and teaching materials, and argues for the need to develop advanced learning support personnel (LSP).
data physics

Combining data & physics can make the world’s biggest decisions easier

David Knezevic, PhD, CTO of Akselos, discusses an emerging field of computing that is revolutionising how large-scale infrastructures, including onshore wind structures, offshore platforms and super-tankers are designed.
EU Digital Finance strategy

The new EU Digital Finance strategy

Giovanni Caccavello from Open Banking Excellence (OBE) believes a tighter action plan for the EU Digital Finance strategy will promote prosperity across Europe.
indian variant delta, virus

World Health Organisation renames ‘Indian variant’ to Delta

The WHO has renamed COVID variants of concern, as they believe that the scientific names can be "difficult" to use - leading to both misreporting and potential discrimination against countries of origin.
sustainable food manufacturing

Fostering future net-zero with sustainable food manufacturing

James Sopwith, group strategic account director at adi Group, discusses engineering’s part in supporting a smarter, healthier and altogether more sustainable food manufacturing operation.
innovation strategy

What should the government’s new innovation strategy look like?

Njy Rios, Director: R&D Incentives, Ayming UK & Ireland, shares insights from the roundtable discussion with industry experts as part of BEIS’ innovation strategy consultation.

Leading purposeful action in the skills revolution

Anthony Tattersall, Vice President EMEA at Coursera, discusses the joint responsibility of higher education institutions, governments and the business community alike to upskill the workforce.
medical issues

Medical devices: Technology addressing medical wellbeing

Bernard Ross, CEO of Sky Medical Technology, looks at how wearable medical technology can address some of the most critical medical issues of the 21st Century.
efficient data-driven decisions

How can the public sector make critical and efficient data-driven decisions?

Christian Marsden, Head of Financial Services and Government at Dun & Bradstreet, discusses how the public sector can make critical and efficient data-driven decisions.
working effectively

Mental Health Awareness week: Working effectively and sustainably

Ahead of Mental Health Awareness week, industry experts discuss what employers can do to support employee wellbeing through remote working and beyond.
depression during lockdown, adults

One in five UK adults experienced depression during lockdown

According to new ONS data, one in five adults experienced some form of depression during lockdown - more than double the pre-pandemic rate.
assisted living

How IoT is revolutionising the wellbeing of residents in assisted living

Emma Mahy, CEO and co-founder of IoT Solutions Group, discusses how Internet of Things (IoT) technology is being used to help local authorities improve their adult social care services.
environmentally friendly

Making our professional lives more environmentally friendly

Here, we explore how you can tailor your work life to improve your eco-friendly footprint.
death in type-2 diabetes

Drinking tea & coffee reduces risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%

A new study has found that drinking 4 cups of green tea or 2 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%.

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