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Home Mauro Petriccione – Climate Action European Commission

    Mauro Petriccione

    Climate Action European Commission

    Mauro Petriccione became Directorate-General for Climate Action at the European Commission in March 2018

    Within the European Institutions he was previously a desk officer (1987-1994) and then became Head o Section from 1994-1995. In 1995 he went on to be Deputy Head of Unit, Subsidies/Countervailing duties policy, WTO dispute settlement in the field of commercial defence, and Trade Barriers Regulation investigations until 1997.

    From 1997-2001 he was Head of Unit, Investment, Standards and certification, TBT, Dual Use, DG I, then DG Trade and from 2001-2003 he was Head of Unit, WTO and OECD coordination, GATT, development, 133 Committee, TRADE.

    In 2004 up until 2014, Mauro became Director of TRADE before moving up to Deputy Director-General, responsible for directorates B, C and D, Trade Directorate-General (TRADE) in 2014 until 2018.

    Mauro Petriccione

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