North America Analysis
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A wastewater treatment plant

Rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols

Why is rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols important and what are the challenges and opportunities?

Microbes on a chip: How microfluidics can help us better understand and engineer electroactive...

Electroactive microbes exchange electrons with their environment for survival.
informal settlement in South Africa

Solutions to waste management in informal settlements in South Africa

Researchers look at the unfolding tragedy of waste management in informal settlements in South Africa and transferable models for community-based solutions.

Bamboo education: Learning the environmental benefits of bamboo

Professor Saijo Kiyoshi at Miyagi University of Education, examines bamboo education, discussing its useful advantages and how we need it to avert further environmental crises.

Stem cell-based therapy for corals

Could medical approaches of stem cell-based therapy, be a tool for corals’ resilience to heat stress? Benyamin Rosental, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel answers the compelling question here.
child exploring nature

Equal-Life team: Improving child exposome and quality of life

Four PhD students from the Equal-Life team discuss their areas of research into the child exposome, looking at the environment children are raised in and the effects it has on mental health and cognitive development.
representing green transformation

Financing the green transformation

The role of finance is key to an efficient green transformation, needing a large-scale reallocation of capital and labour, argues Christian Keuschnigg, Professor at the University of St. Gallen.
renewable energy

Approaching COP27: some questions for climate leadership

COP27 is an opportunity for climate leadership to begin the long-term transition to net-zero, but is this now possible? asks Richard Beardsworth, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds

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