North America Analysis

Finance News

Within the Open Access Government Finance News section, you can find a wide variety of information on the changes in the financial sector.

We often explore the development of digital banking and the future of Fintech, along with the World Bank and World Trade Organisations (WTO) stories. You can also find expert opinions on many popular topics within this category along with insights into the financial changes in other countries.

This category also covers poverty and pensions in the UK along with any legal changes to financial law. Up to date articles are available on fiscal policy and trade wars within the sector.

citizen debt

A holistic view of citizen debt is crucial to collection

Gary Bell, Executive Director of Civica, advises how councils can better collect the large sums of money owed to them in this article 
tax relief

8 in 10 transport firms eligible for Research and Development tax relief

Recent findings from Catax, a specialist tax relief firm, has revealed that the majority of transport firms in the UK could claim for Research and Development (R&D) relief, but only a quarter are aware it even exists

Cryptoassets Taskforce meets for the first time

Senior leaders from government and the financial regulators were present, including representatives from HM Treasury, the FCA and the Bank of England

Majority of savers misunderstand benefits of IFISAs

61% of UK savers acknowledge possibility of higher returns and better interest rates with IFISAs, but majority still don’t understand the service
blockchain resolution

European Parliament passes a blockchain resolution

Members of the European Parliament passed a blockchain resolution by the Industry, Research and Energy Committee on Wednesday (16 May)
Fintech envoy for Northern Ireland

Fintech envoy for Northern Ireland appointed

Georgina O’Leary, Director of Innovation, Research and Development at Allstate has been appointed as the government’s new fintech envoy for Northern Ireland
cryptocurrency adverts

The impact of social media cryptocurrency adverts bans on the market

The relationship between social media and cryptocurrency is proving to be one with a considerable amount of controversy, twists and turns, David Sapper takes a closer look, in this article
trade finance deal

HSBC use blockchain technology to complete first trade finance deal

Global banking giant, HSBC completed the first ever trade finance deal using blockchain technology.
debt help

UK consumers feel unable to ask energy provider for debt help

More than half (52%) of people in the UK feel there is a negative stigma attached to asking for debt help, according to new research
cryptocurrency predictions

May cryptocurrency predictions

Cardano (ADA) forecast to see biggest price growth by 1 June at 40%, according to new cryptocurrency predictions
prepared for GDPR

Getting prepared for GDPR

Plenty of UK businesses have admitted they aren't fully prepared for GDPR. With less than two weeks to go, Alastair Hartrup provides some last-minute advice to those business who may still be struggling
blockchain & bitcoin conference

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague: the main blockchain event of the Czech Republic is...

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague, the fourth annual event dedicated to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICO, will be held on May 17. This is one of the largest platforms in Europe for the exchange of experience and search for potential partners
data privacy

UK consumers intend to exercise data privacy rights following new GDPR law

UK consumers to target businesses with onslaught of data privacy request following deadline for GDPR compliance  
global banks

Global banks to enhance cyber and data security

Turner Little took to investigating the business priorities of global banks in 2018, to better understand what our banks are doing to restore customer faith

Cashless cities topping the charts for card payments revealed

New data reveals the UK cities leading accelerated growth in contactless payments with the top 10 expected to go cashless first
uses of blockchain

The many uses of blockchain

Brian Harris, Chief Product Officer at Currencies Direct, looks into the uses of blockchain we may not have thought of
bitcoin cryptocurrency

How the blockchain craze will change cryptocurrency investment 

Blockchain technology is the biggest thing to hit the online world, and the financial world in particular, for many years. There’s been a huge amount of publicity, mainly due to the success of Bitcoin cryptocurrency  

The future of accountancy in the digital landscape

This article will explore how the changes to the accountancy sector in a modern digital world affects how clients interact with accountants and the day to day changes to accountants jobs
collaborative economy

Reinventing the collaborative economy with blockchain

The ERC research project P2P Models aims to use blockchain-driven Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) to boost a collaborative economy which is decentralised, democratic and where profits are distributed, as the university’s researcher, Professor Samer Hassan reveals
debt support

Research finds lack of awareness about debt support systems

New research has found severely low levels of awareness about the support systems available to utility customers who find themselves in circumstances of vulnerability

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